b'Life with MSS on bases and pull-downs on uppers, and a SiinnkkAs mentioned earlier, kitchen design for MSdishwasher drawer that can be loaded and needs to include an accessible sink. This is oftenunloaded without stooping or bending.achieved by leaving the sink open underneath,OOtthheerrssoolluuttiioonnss with angled cabinetry, or pocket cabinet doors Lighting: Install an abundance of overhead that can be opened and recessed inside whenlighting as well as task lighting under upper access is needed. Locate the sink within yourcabinets. And why not consider full-spectrum variable work station between or across fromlighting in select places to boost your mood the cooktop and prep area, or refrigerator.and well-being?Choose a single lever faucet to pair with your Color: Contrast in your material selection sink that is either touch or touchless to helpcan provide visual clues to delineate areas with movement and coordination challenges.of your kitchen workspacewood, tiling, RReeffrriiggeerraattoorr and ooring that contrast in key locations The nal component of your variable workcan help with visual problems. Using color station to consider is the refrigerator. Frenchcabinetfronts,drawers,orcoverpanels doors combined with a freezer drawer provideadds style and helps you feel vibrant and great accessibility for those with disabilities.happy.They allow the user easy access to items from Tech: From high-tech motorized cabinets standing or seated positions. Additional easethat can be raised and lowered at the push is achieved with features such as a hot and coldof a button, to simple automated lighting or beverage center, or a door-in-door option thatsmart appliances with app controlstech allows you to open the fridge only partially toadds ease and efficiency in the kitchen.access frequently used items. Tech options can also add to your daily ease in the kitchenS Sttaarrttwwiitthhggooooddddeessiiggnn use your voice to control your refrigeratorWhen designing your kitchen for MS, your at the beverage center or to reset the ideallifestyle should determine the functionality temperature after frequent use. of your kitchen, not the other way around. At An alternate design, undercounter refrigeratorLive in Place Designs, we encourage design and freezer drawers, provides accessible foodthat integrates your unique needs into the storage. Having both within the base cabinetryspace youinhabit. Thegoalistocreatea provides optimal, easy access. space that makes your everyday experience Proodduuccttsseelleeccttiioon in the kitchen more pleasurable, functional, Oncewehavelandedonafunctionaland user-friendlywhile also meeting the kitchenlayoutthattsthelifestyleofourneeds of everyone in your household.clients living with MS, our priority is to matchSmall details can make a big difference products and appliances with usability andto your daily eating habitsthe result being safety needs. that you and your loved ones will feel better Some product highlights include a wallwith more energy and vitality. A good design oven and microwave with side-swing doors,can give you the condence to continue to cabinetry with sliding pull-outs and drawerscook and create in the kitchen with ease. msfocusmagazine.org 10'