b"Dr. Stephanie Muth has been passionate about meeting the health and wellness needs of the underserved throughout her more than 20 years as a healthcare provider. Her primary research interest lies in assessing the effects of pathology on biomechanics and motor control in people with neurologic impairments. She held her American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties Certification in Neurology from 20052015.As a movement systems specialist, she strives to integrate the knowledge gleaned from this work into educational experiences for entry level doctor of physical therapy students. Kalina Sanders is a board-certified neurologist with Baptist Neurology in Jacksonville Beach, Fla. She has been treating patients with multiple sclerosis for more than 10 years. She participates in MS-related clinical trial research, including trials targeting minority populations. She has additional interest in spasticity management and patient education.Ben Thrower is the medical director of the Andrew C. Carlos MS Institute at Shepherd Center. He previously served as the medical director of the Holy Family Multiple Sclerosis Institute in Spokane, Wash. In Spokane, he was the chair of the Inland Northwest Chapter of the NMSS. In 2000, he was awarded the Norm Cohn Hope Chest Award by the National MS Society, recognizing his work with the MS community. In 2005, he was the first physician inductee into the Georgia Chapter of the National MS Society Volunteer Hall of Fame. Dr. Thrower has served the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation for many years as Senior Medical Advisor.Marco Vespignani is currently adjunct faculty at Bastyr University for Natural Health in Seattle, teaching clinical neurology. He received his bachelor's degree in evolutionary biology from the University of Hawaii where he became interested in the human role in the ecosystem and ultimately, natural medicine. He graduated from Bastyr University with a degree in Naturopathic Medicine in 2004.Christine WillisistheDirectorofKnowledgeManagementandLearning Resources at Shepherd Center in Atlanta. Your name: MS Focus accepts submissions from voluntary contributors who have MS or work with the MS community in a professional capacity. Send inquires or submissions to: editor@msfocus.org.5 msfocusmagazine.org"