b"How does your current intake stack up against 88 percent of Americans are not consuming the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? Thethe recommended amount of dairy foods DGA also offers more specic guidance on 87 percent of Americans are not eating how to meet nutrient needs with foods. Thesethe recommended amount of seafood and recommendations are a great place to begin 55 percent of Americans are not eating eating healthy with MS (or any chronic healththe recommended amount of nuts, seeds, condition). or soy foods Are you currently eating these foods in theLet's remember that food has three primary recommended amounts?roles: provide energy/calories, contribute to bodystructure, and regulate chemical processes. Vegetables: at least 2 cup equivalents per dayDark green: 1 cup equivalents per weekOur health may suffer if we are not consumingRed and Orange: 5 cup equivalents per weekthe nutrients needed to ll these crucial roles. Starchy: 5 cup equivalents per weekOf course, there are foods that, as Americans, Fruits: 1 -2 cup equivalents of fruit per daywe either meet the intake recommendations Whole Grains: 3-6 oz equivalents per dayor overconsume. According to the DGA, roughly Meat, Poultry, Eggs: 26 oz equivalents per week 70 percent of Americans meet or exceed the recommended amount of meats, poultry, Seafood: 8 oz equivalents per weekand eggs Beans, Legumes: 1 cups per week 94 percent of Americans meet or exceed the Nuts, Seeds, Soy: 5 oz equivalents per weekrecommended amount of rened grains. Low-fat Calcium foods: 3 cups low-fat dairyTime to rethink food math?or fortied alternativeEven though most Americans fail to eat This example is based on the recommendedenough nutrient-dense foods to meet our daily or weekly intake of specic foods andnutrient needs, most wellness messaging subgroups for a 2,000 calorie/day eatingfocuses on what to limit instead what to add. pattern.Since the purpose of eating food is survival If you do not measure up, so to speak, youand the foods that we eat provide us with a can begin by using these recommendationsrange of nutrients, including:as your goal. And don't beat yourself up; you* macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat)are not alone. Would you be surprised to learn* micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) and that the eating patterns of more than 50 percent* phytonutrients (ber, antioxidants, etc.)of Americans are also not meeting daily intakea message of addition may serve us better. A recommendations?focus on adding nutrient-dense foods that According to the DGA, roughlyhelp your body function optimally may be a90 percent of Americans are not eatingmore effective means of ensuring adequate the recommended amount of vegetablesintake of nutrients. 80 percent of Americans are not eatingSStteepp22::BBeessuurreettooiinncclluuddeethe recommended amount of fruitsbbaallaannccee,,vvaarriieettyy,,aannddeexxiibbiilliittyy 94 percent of Americans are not eatingWhen selecting your foods and building the recommended amount of whole grainsmeals, be sure to remember: 21 msfocusmagazine.org"