b'MS Focus Activitiessaid Kasey Minnis, executive director for MSMS Focus Alaskan cruise stands out to Chris Focus. We provided interviews, audiobooks,because of the amazing scenery and the news stories, and more to our listeners. Anotheraccessibility of American portssomething that convenient strategy to reach more peoplecan be a bit more challenging on Caribbean affected by MS was the MS Focus Radio mobilecruises. It was much cooler in Alaska, of course, app, available to iPhone, iPad, and Androidand to me, there was more for people with MS users; the station also aired programs to playto do, he remarked. Chris said that being among 24/7. Between the two media, the Foundationso many people with MS was the greatest guaranteed an unlimited amount of meaningfulreward, whether in the Caribbean or Alaska.content to members of the MS community. I was delighted to be present on each cruise, Presently, Chris is on a mission to revamphe said. While our educational programs in MS Focus Radio. We would love one day tothe United States were terric, the magic of have the station playing in the waiting roomsthe cruises was that people came from all over of doctors and neurologists offices, he said. Imto attend. glad were getting to iron out details becauseWe did breakout groups to understand the dust is settling on how streaming works.how ones life with MS is impacted depending Technology is such that we can record remotelyon the area in which they live and what we, at and individually. Once we relaunch, it willMS Focus, could do to help them. Ive met and also be better to manage, and I look forwardhung out with Texans, families from Wisconsin, to the changes. Georgia, and every corner of the country on Cruising ships.Itisnecessarytogettoknowthe Before the pandemic, Chris was a frequentcommunity not as people with MS, but as traveler for MS Focus live educational events.people.Some of my favorite memories on the roadWriting and teachingwere the cruises, he said. A small team and IChris is also responsible for writing articles captured footage of those experiences becauseon complementary and alternative medicine it was essential to share them with individualsfor MS Focus Magazine, highlighting the who could not join us. For some people withavailability of integrative options and ways MS, travel is limited, so we took the initiativethey assist with healthy living. In previous pieces, to return to our corporate office with as muchhe has covered everything from essential oils, footage as possible. dance, drumming, cannabis, aquatherapy, movement, and meditation to being in nature and travel. While glad about the variety, Chris feels there is still much he hasnt written but intends to pen for this group of articlessuch as art therapy and hippotherapy (therapeutic horseback riding).This year, Chris also became an instructor for the Foundations virtual health and wellness program after lling in for a former yoga teacher msfocusmagazine.org 30'