b'A drink cold water, or wear a personal neck AddaappttiivveeEEqquuiippmmeennttannddSSttrraatteeggiieess fan in the kitchen.aAdaptive equipment can be a game changer Organize the kitchen to make it more in the kitchen. It can help with fatigue, handefficient. For example, place coffee cups and function, and safety. An antifatigue mat maylters by the coffee machine.help with fatigue while standing and a rollator Buy precut items to limit chopping.cangive youaplacetositandrest when Use aluminum foil or pan and crockpot moving around the kitchen. There are alsoliners to make cleanup easier.many pieces of equipment that can make Create a meal plan to simplify grocery preparing food easier, which can decreaseshopping and to determine which days are hand fatigue and help when hand functionbest to cook on.iscompromised.Adaptivecuttingboards, Use a meal-planning app.chopping devices, and ergonomic or angled knives have the potential to make chopping Utilize a grocery delivery or shopping service.food possible again.Cook enough food for leftovers. In addition to all of this, one of biggest Keepastockofemergencyorlow-effort benets of using adaptive equipment in themeals just in case cooking plans need to kitchen is the effect it can have on safety.change. Knuckle guards and cut resistant gloves canS nprotect ngers while chopping; cooking de- SttrraatteeggiieessffoorrCCogniittiiooogn nvices that automatically power down with a Set a timer to act as a reminder to remove timer (i.e., air fryers) can help prevent res;items from the oven.and an oven rack push/pull stick can prevent Place your recipe in a page protector sleeve burns when removing items from the oven.and cross out completed steps with a dry There are many barriers to cooking buterase marker while cooking.there are also many strategies and pieces of Keep your kitchen clean and organized. equipment that make cooking easier, safer,A vor even possible again. Below are adaptiveAddaapttiip veeEEqquuiippmmeennttstrategies and equipment that may help you Rollator, antifatigue mat, oven rack push/pull or a loved one in the kitchen. stick, chopping devices, cut resistant gloves, S knuckleguards,siliconestrainer,rolling SttrraatteeggiieessffoorrFFaattiigguueecart to transport items, mirror over the stoveBreak up cooking tasks throughout the dayto see into pots from a sitting position, etc.or week. Try prepping part of a meal the dayFeeding yourselfnourishingfoodisan before. important but often challenging task. If youSet a timer to act as a reminder to takeare having difficulty with cooking, reach frequent rest breaks. out to your doctor about seeing your localUse cooling strategies wear a cooling vest oroccupational therapist to determine specic smaller pieces of cooling equipment, runstrategies and equipment that will work best cold water over your wrists, eat frozen grapes,for you.15 msfocusmagazine.org'