b'Medicine & Researcheffects of caffeine on reaction time with threebetween 2015 and 2021 related to depression metrics: choice reaction times, Stroop performance,and anxiety symptoms in patients with MS. and a Rapid Serial Visual Presentation task.After applying exclusion criteria to the initial The trial lasted 10 days, during which time6,113 articles, data were extracted from 12 the participants caffeine intake was limitedarticles for meta-analysis. These 12 articles to the amount controlled for the trial. Studyresulted in 7,507 patients of whom 27 percent ndings suggest there is evidence caffeinehad a prevalence of depression and 35 percent can affect attentional blink but no evidenceshowed levels of anxiety. These ndings are that it improved performance on the Stroop test.within the range of other similar systematic Caffeines effects are short-term and limitedreviews conducted prior to 2017 when the to the task immediately completed aftercriteria for diagnosis of MS was updated. The consumption. This study has specic limitscurrentreviewshowsthatdepressionand because of the small sample size of participantsanxiety is more prevalent in relapsing-remitting and the possibility of participation of individualsMS and progressive MS. There were some who already believed that caffeine has potentiallimitations to the study as not all articles used benets.the EDSS or HADS-A/HADS-D in the same Dr. Thrower:Coffee lovers can celebrate. Fatigueway,norwereantidepressantsthatwere and cognitive dysfunction are two of the moreprescribed to study participants reported. commonandbothersomesymptomsthatDr. Thrower: Depression and anxiety are more people with MS may live with. While greatcommon in the MS community than in the advances have been made in treating MS, wegeneral population. As we manage various stillhavenoFDA-approvedtreatmentssymptoms and disease-modifying therapies in options for fatigue or cognitive dysfunctiona person with MS, underlying mood disorders because of MS. Many people living with MScan sometimes get overlooked and undertreated. use caffeine for an energy boost and this studyMood disorders may affect every aspect of a provides some objective evidence that it maypersons life, ranging from physical health, help. As with any therapeutic intervention,activities of daily living, work, and social we always must look at the good and the bad.interactions. What I found interesting in this Whilecaffeinemayhelp withfatigueandstudy was that the risk for depression and cognition, people dealing with an overactiveanxiety did not correlate with the level of bladder need to remember that caffeine is adisability as measured by EDSS. Depression bladderirritant.Assuch,itcouldworsenand anxiety were actually a bit more common bladder frequency and urgency. Finally, Imin people with more disability. Its important that not a big fan of articial energy drinks. Theypeople with MS, their family, and healthcare can have a lot of sugar and tend to be quiteproviders look for signs and symptoms of an acidic. The acidity can be rough on your teethunderlying mood disorder. Many providers and worsen reux. areusingstandardizedscreeningtoolsto Study: Depression, anxietyhelp us identify mood changes in the clinic.not linked to disabilityStudy: Lavender may boost Researchers from Brazil conducted aenergy levels systematicreviewofarticlespublishedResearchers at Kerman University of Medical msfocusmagazine.org 52'