b'Life with MSEnerg y C onservation TipsEnerg y C onservation TipsMaking food shopping and preparation easier M SMeeaallppllaannnniinngg:: Shhooppppiingg::n Keep it simple. Opt for delivery or curbside pickup if you can. Look for recipes with a minimal numberDelivery may incur additional costs for service of ingredients and steps.charges and tip, but many stores today offerAdapt your ingredients.curbside pickup at no additional cost. Can you use larger pieces for less chopping? Go when the store isnt crowded. Can you skip peeling the carrots or potatoes?Navigating crowded aisles and standing Can you use canned or frozen vegetablesin longer lines increases your energy instead of cutting up fresh?expenditure. Try to go early, late, or during the workday if you can.Make use of the ride-on carts available. Remember, preventing fatigue or pain is a valid reason to use a ride-on cart. You dont have to waitAdapt your methods.until you are experiencing Instead of dicing, can you chop it in thethosesymptomstobe food processor? Instead of standing over aeligible for this service. hot stove, can you prepare it in a crockpot? Use a shopping list.Batch cook.Check it frequently so Use large recipes that make several daysyou dont have to waste worth of meals or allow for freezing ofenergy doubling back to additional portions. Or cook componentspick up something you that can be used in multiple recipes over theforgot. course of the week.msfocusmagazine.org 48'