b'The best way to test your vitamin D levelsthis, we can develop a plan as to how much is to have your serum vitamin D level (oftensupplemental omega-3 oils might be necessary.referred to as a vitamin D 25-OH level) checked.NThis blood test will assess stored levels ofNuuttrriieennttssttoossuuppppoorrttt heeiimmmmuunneessyysstteemmvitamin D, and essentially how much vitaminthD you have in the bank. In my opinion, two nutrients essential to a Believe it or not, vitamin D is actually awell-functioning immune system are vitamin hormone that helps your cells function and,C and N-acetylcysteine. While these nutrients possiblymoreimportantly,regulatesyourare found in many kinds of foods, they can immunesystem,whichisessentialforbe difficult to absorb solely from food alone. patients with MS. Levels of vitamin C in food are measured in 10s of milligrams, which is far less than what The recommended daily allowance ofa supplement can offer in grams.vitamin D is between 400-800IU per day.Additionally, when vitamin C is taken during However, I nd that in the Pacic Northwesttimes of illness or stress it can support how the I am often recommending higher doses for somebody heals itself. When used in combination patients to maintain their vitamin D levels.with NAC, a naturally occurring amino acid, Unfortunately, foods are not a great source ofyour body can ght various forms of infection vitamin D. A few foods, such as mushrooms,and disease.have naturally occurring vitamin D and some foods, such as milk, are fortied with it. InAnd if that isnt enough, NAC is also a general, I recommend a good quality ofprecursor to a powerful antioxidant made in vitamin D3 for my patients. the body called glutathione. By ensuring you Shouulldd I be taking sh oil?have adequate levels of NAC, you are also Similar to the above examples, this oftenhelping to prevent damage to your cells both depends on how much fish is already inby the direct action of NAC, as well as its effect your diet. The American Heart Associationon production of glutathione. Arecommends two servings of seafood per week;Annttiiooxxiiddaannttssaannddbbrraaiinn,,nneerrvveehheeaalltthhapproximately 8 ounces, but less than 12 ouncesAlpha lipoic acid is a natural antioxidant to avoid overconsumption of potential toxinsfound in many foods, but, like vitamin C, the and heavy metals that might be in the sh. levels are signicantly less than what can be Most commercially available fish oiltaken in a supplement. ALA can prevent forms products have been tested for heavy metalsof neuropathy and is currently a subject of study and contaminants so in some cases, takingby MS research facilities. The question is whether those products daily can provide the necessarymegadoses (ranging 600-1200mg/day) of omega-3 oils that help with brain and heartALA can prevent progression of MS. While health without the concern for potential toxins.we wait for those results, I still encourage my There are a variety of tests out there (oftenpatients to take this supplement to support including the word omegaI like OmegaCheck)their nervous system.that can be ordered to determine levels ofI encourage you to discuss supplements omega-3 oils already in the blood. This datawith your healthcare team, to ensure you are can help give us an accurate read and fromusing them safely and effectively. 17 msfocusmagazine.org'