b'UPCOMING PROGRAMSTuesday, Nov. 15 at 6 p.m. EasternFood for Thought: Making Enjoyable Food Choices to Help Your MSPresented by Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-c, MSCN Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 6:30 p.m. EasternAsk the MS Expert :A Q&A session Hosted Aaron Boster, MD Thursday, Dec. 1 at 3 p.m. EasternMS and Qualifying for DisabilityPresented by Adam Chaifetz, DC, MSCS Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 4:30 p.m.MS TriviaHoliday StyleHosted by Ben Thrower, MD Thursday, Dec. 8 at 6:30 pm. EasternEnhancing Sexual WellnessPresented by Fred Foley, PhDVisit msfocus.org/events to learn more or to register for these great programs.Would you like to receive all the latest information about upcoming programs? Sign up for the weekly MS Focus on Programs newsletter at msfocus.org/newsletters-publications. What changes have you made to your way of cooking or eating because of MS? Also, What are some of your favorite MS-friendly dishes?Dee DiLeonardo McGroarty I cook six pounds of boneless chicken in a crockpot with a little chicken broth for six hours. Then I shred it or separate it to be used in different dishes such as pasta and chicken, chicken tacos, fajitas, chicken parmigiana, or chicken stir fry. When I order pizza for delivery, I order extra just to have more leftover pizza. When I reheat it, I microwave one to two slices for one minute while getting my frying pan scorching hot with a little oil. I take the pizza from the microwave to the fry pan and crisp the bottoms for about 30 seconds or a little more. It tastes so much better when the bottom is fried.Karen WebbCut out sugar as much as possible and eat simple. Cher Finver I do my meal prep in the morning, when I have the most energy. 27 msfocusmagazine.org'