b'For instance, I know it doesnt help when IThat may be, but I am going to give it a try. snack on Cheez-Its when I am trying to writeAs far as exercise goes, nd what is right for my support groups newsletter. Am I hungryyou. That may be yoga, cardio at the gym, or just at a loss for words?aquatic exercises, or even walking. They say Eating healthy is a step in the right directionthat exercise can improve your self-esteem, but unless I exercise, not much is going toand lead to a sense of accomplishment and happen. As a person who takes the bus, I dogratication. I am all for that. How about you? quite a bit of walking to and from bus stops to home, work, stores, etc. In this Florida heat,DDooyyoouuffeeeelltthheenneeeeddttoottaallkk??that results in sweating, which means drinkingPlease consider joining one of the many more water is necessary. When I see my doctorsupport groups that are affiliated with for my check-ups she always asks if I exercise.MS Focus. I am honest and say no, but I do walk quite aPlease visit our website at msfocus.org, bit. Fortunately for me, that actually counts. contact us at 888-673-6287, So, what can you take away from all ofor email supportgroups@msfocus.org, this? I am not an expert, but it appears theto nd the support group nearest you. CDC has the right approach for us to improveWe are always here for you.oureatinghabits.Easiersaidthandone? Please welcome this newly affiliated group: Mind Over Myelin Sheath A Multiple Sclerosis Support GroupSouth Lyon, Mich. Leader:Mary Parisien Please visit our website at msfocus.org or email us atsupportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest to you. Ways You Can Help Us Help OthersDid you know you can donate your unwanted car, truck, boat, or RV to benet MS Focus? Contact carsforcharity.net or call 888-755-5435. They arrange to pick up your donated vehicle from anywhere and handle all the details. Your vehicle is sold and the money is donated to MS Focus. You will receive a thank you and donation receipt letter within a month. Its a great way to make an easy tax-deductible donation. 41 msfocusmagazine.org'