b'Health & WellnessSSeevveerraallVViittaammiinnssOOffffeerrBBeenneettssDDiissccuusssswwiitthhyyoouurrddooccttoorriiffaassuupppplleemmeennttiissrriigghhttffoorryyoouuBy Marco VespignaniIts relatively common for patients to come800mg and is found in green leafy vegetables, my way with concerns that they may not benuts, beans, and some random foods, such as taking the vitamins, nutrients, and supplementssnails and oysters. A standard American diet to best support their health. Here are a few ofofpreparedfoodswilloftenleavepeople the more common questions asked and theslightly decient at 400-500mg in a day. Thus, answers I provide:a recommendation of supplementing 250-S 500mg per day can help the body function better.ShhoouullddIIbbeettaakkiinngga muullttiivviittaammiinnssuupppplleemmeenntt?? Once patients begin to supplement with amIn general, this depends greatly on your dailymagnesium, they often report significant diet. Those who consume large amounts ofimprovements in sleep and muscle spasms. I frequently use magnesium clinically, and prepackaged, nonperishable foods, and rarelythinkitmayjustbemyfavoritemineral. cook at home may want to consider a multi- However, in some forms of MS-related spasticity vitamin and mineral supplement. As for whichand insomnia, magnesium has a minimal kindofsupplementtochoose,Igenerallyeffect and those symptoms will need more recommendahigherqualitysupplementeffective and long-lasting treatments.that requires three to four capsules each day.I nd magnesium to be a very safe mineral. Though the one-a-day types are convenient,Even when administered in extreme daily they are also often difficult to digest, may notdoses, such as those given for colonoscopy include the best forms of each nutrient, andpreparation, it has no lasting consequences. there may not be enough in the single dailyHowever, as one can imagine, those prone to dose for essential mineralssuch as calciumdiarrhea or kidney disease should discuss and magnesiumto meet the necessarywith their providers if daily supplementation requirements.of magnesium is safe for them.However, if your diet consists of lots ofShould I supplement myyvviittaammiinnDD??brightly colored fresh fruits and vegetables,Should I supplement mwhich are prepared regularly at home, theMost likely yes, especially for those of us in likelihood you are getting the necessary vitaminsthe Pacic Northwest as sun exposure is limited. and minerals is much greater and you mayIn fact, many people throughout the country not need to worry about a multivitamin at all.are vitamin D decient and that has been A mIIggeettttiinnggeennoouugghhmmaaggnneessiiuumm?? made worse with recent COVID-19 protocols, Am reduced time spent outside, increased use of The daily requirement for magnesium issunscreen, and concern about UV exposure. msfocusmagazine.org 16'