b'MS Focus ActivitiesMaking a Real Difference Brighter Tomorrow Grant offering people safety, freedom, and help around the homeBy Aron FyneThe Brighter Tomorrow Grant is MS FocusGrant, applicants must be U.S. citizens 18 years way of making wishes come true for those inor older and diagnosed with MS, or the parent the MS community. A cyclical service thatof a minor with MS. Additionally, any nancial accepts applications from June 1 through Sept. 1,net such as Medicaid or private insurance its sole purpose is to provide items or servicescannotbeanoptiontocovertherequest. to those living with MS that are not coveredLastly, your application must be postmarked by one of our other programs or grants.or time-stamped between June 1 and Sept. 1 Theguidelinesforwhatsavailableareto be considered. minimal and encompass anything that canTrike offers safety, freedomprovide a positive effect on a recipient\'s life within a $1,000 limit. Do you need a newHundreds of past recipients span from all washingmachineforyourhouse?Whatover the U.S. of differing ages and backgrounds. aboutafreshwintercoatforthecolderJennifer Saulters-Hall from Columbia, S.C., is months? The sky\'s the limit, as long as youone of these individuals who was awarded a can convey why your item or service will bethree-wheeled bike in 2022. A mother of three benecial and improve your quality of life.and a nursing student, Jennifer was diagnosed Vicki Knobel, Cyclical Programs manager,with MS in the summer of 2019. I\'ve had to has been in charge of the Brighter Tomorrowreally slow down the pace of my life because Grant for the past ten years. She, along withthe fatigue is unreal. The old Jennifer is gone, a committee, approves potential candidatesand I\'m learning daily about the new Jennifer and acquires the items or services for thosewith MS. I do quite a bit of self-evaluation to whohavebeenselected."It\'sawonderfulensure I\'m doing the best for my body, she feeling to help them," Knobel said. "It\'s why Isaid.Oneofthereasonsshewantedthe do this job. Having the capability to makethree-wheeled bicycle was so she could still someone\'s day a little bit easier (or brighter,be active with her family. I wanted the trike as they say) gives me such a fullling feeling."so that I could ride with my family. I feel a bit The request must be for a specic good ormore independent and safe because of the service and cannot be cash, medications, orthree wheels. It has given me the ability to items covered in any other MS Focus program.exercise in a fun way, and I get to enjoy my To be considered for the Brighter Tomorrowfamily too. msfocusmagazine.org 34'