b'is limited space for movement because ofand explaining step-by-step activities taking mobility issues. We do not want to trip in theplace in the kitchen, singing songs, and simply kitchen and hurt ourselves or others.talking to the baby are wonderful foundations A study I conducted indicated that manyfor communication development created during people with MS need assistance in the kitchen.this age period. Toddlers can help prepare meals It was noted that many people allow theirby adding in premeasured ingredients, stirring young children to prepare hot meals, which wasfoods, and helping to set the table with non-concerning. Preparing hot meals increasesbreakable items. Preschoolers can participate safety issues tremendously. Whenever childrenby carrying larger, nonbreakable items to the are in the kitchen, the activities need to betable, helping to set and clear the table (again, developmentally appropriate, and they needwith nonbreakable and dull items), or wipe to be performed under constant supervision.the table with a cloth. As children grow, more In other words, we do not want a preschooleractivities can be added to their time in the using a knife to cut vegetables. They havekitchen.neither the strength nor the ne motor skills,Everyparentunderstandstheirchilds nor have they had the training to performdevelopment best. With supervision and those activities.learning, a child can be exposed to more Lets imagine that part of the menu for supperactivities as they grow. If parents want more is a salad. The parents have a 4-year-old who isspecic information on children in the kitchen, eager to help. That same preschooler could,I recommend reviewing pathways.org. They wash, tear, and sprinkle. Cleanliness in thehave wonderful resources, per age group, kitchen is the rst step prior to any food handling.with ideas of how to incorporate children in Teaching good handwashing skills encouragesthe kitchen.good hygiene. After handwashing, the child could, with supervision, wash the veggies that are going to be used. Then, instead of cutting the lettuce, the child could tear the lettuce with his hands, with examples provided by a parent. Parents should not allow the child to cut any vegetables. When it comes time to build the salad, the child could put the lettuce in the bowl, and sprinkle the vegetables that have been chopped, sprinkle cheese, and shake salt and pepper or other seasonings into the bowl as well.Having children in the kitchen takes planning for that time to be safe, enjoyable, and educational. We can include children in the kitchen from early ages; infants and toddlers can observe from their highchairs. Storytelling 13 msfocusmagazine.org'