b'Life with MSMMaakkiinnggFFaallllFFeeaassttiinnggEEnnjjooyyaabblleeTips can help make the season easier to stomachBy Bhavya SuriFall is the time to watch the leaves changeBBrriinnggkknnoowwlleeddggeecolors,feelthecoolcrispair,andtostartaannddaaddiisshhthinking about all the warm home-cookedRebecca Munlyn, of Georgia, meals lled with differently spiced aromas.follows the Wahls Protocol Diet. For some, it is the time to start planning whichShe believes this diet plan, lled different meals to cook during the gatheringswith consumption of meat, sh, they will be hosting. For others, it is the timeand vegetables, and restrictive of carbohydrates, to start thinking and planning which eventssugars, and dairy products, has helped her they will be attending or politely declining. with her MS symptoms. Her advice is to offer During this season, we always tend to thinkbringing a dish of your own from home so of food. Pumpkin-lled food, food lled withthe host may feel that you are contributing, butyouarealsobringingsomethingtoa warm spices such as cinnamon, and all thegathering that you are comfortable eating.variety of pies imaginable. While all theseYou can also substitute some of the famous meals sound delicious and give us a feelingholiday meals to match your dietary restrictions, of home, they also come with a heavy price ofsuch as eating cauliower mac and cheese sugar and carbohydrates. It can be challenginginstead of the grained version of mac and to navigate the festivities fall has to offer whilecheese. According to Rebecca, it is important still maintaining your diet plan. This challengeto listen to your body throughout the process, can come in different forms, whether it beand if you crave a dessert, then it is okay to declining an invite because you do not wanttake a small bite so you can fulll that craving. to disclose your multiple sclerosis to randomEverything should be done in moderation.strangers; or because you do not know howThe other piece of advice Rebecca offers to decline some, or possibly all, of the mealsto those trying to navigate this fall season is that will be cooked by the host. Here are someto educate the people in your lives about your tips from those who have successfully gureddisease. It is important that you feel safe and out the process of going to gatherings whilewelcomed in the environment where you are remaining true to yourself and your dietarygoing to be sharing meals and feeling the choices. seasonal joy. Educating those around you msfocusmagazine.org 24'