b'Symptom ManagementTTeecchhSSuuppppoorrttffoorrYYoouurrDDiieettaarryyJJoouurrnneeyyI ntteerrnneett,,aappppsshheellppyyoouuwwiitthhInppllaannnniinngg,,ggeettttiinnggggrroocceerriieess,,aannddjjoouurrnnaalliinnggBy Bhavya Suri Eighty-four percent of the people in AmericaFor the smartphone users, there are own a smartphone, while 78 percent own aapps available that can be downloaded and laptop or desktop. With all the technologypersonalizedtoyourneeds.Pinterestisa available at our ngertips, it is hard not to thinkgreat one for every person to use, regardless of all the ways we can use it for our benet.of the type of smart device you own. But, When it comes to our diets and eatingPinterest is only one of the many websites habits, having a smartphone or smart deviceavailable. There are many others that can be (such as Alexa or Google Home), we can monitorfound at the touch of your ngertips. Some ourselvesinamoreconvenient way.Letsof the more commonly used are the Food face it, being on a strict regimensuch as theNetwork Kitchen, Yummly, Tasty, and NYT Wahls diet or Swank diet, or even a diet planCooking. Please keep in mind, these are only you have created through trial and error a few of the many available. So dont hesitate to requires consistent monitoring. Followingdo your research and see which apps/websites dietaryrestrictionsnotonlyrequireshardwork best for you. work, but also planning the types of foodsYou can also get hundreds of recipes from youwillconsume,purchasingtheproperother people who follow similar dietary regimens groceries, and jotting down your daily intakewith you and see what groceries and kitchen as you continue your dietary journey. Thankstools you need in order to cook these meals. to technology, all of these things have becomeHaving a variety of meals to cook is important easier for anyone to do and here is how.because it allows us to still have fun with the processofcookingandconsuming,while Planning being able to listen to our body and give it the There are apps available for both Androidnutrition it requires.and AppleusersthatcangiveyourecipeGroceriesideas based on what dietary restrictions youWe all know how tedious grocery shopping have. If you do not have a smartphone, thesecan be, especially if you live in an area where recipes are also available on your desktop.the climate is not cooperating with your health Simply type in the diet plan you are followingmost of the year. Some people are able to into Google and you will see websites full ofphysically grocery shop during the month or free recipes. may have caretakers who can help. However, msfocusmagazine.org 32'