b'Improved Mobility. MS Made Easier.MEET DESTINEE, AVID HIKER, LOVES YOGA, DIAGNOSED WITH MS AND AN L300 GO USER.L300 Go is a functional electrical stimulation (FES) leg cuff system that activates thenerves and muscles to lift your foot.WALK WITH CONFIDENCEL300Go.com | 844.667.5468Indication for Use: The L300 Go System electrically stimulates muscles in the affected leg in individualswith foot drop and/or with muscle weakness dueto upper motor neuron disease/injury.The stimulation may improve gait, facilitate muscle re-education,With the L300 Go I can keep up with myreduce atrophy, and/or aid in range of motionand blood flow. friends again.Im not 10 steps behindImportant Safety Information and Risks:anymore, Im right there with them! For Indications for Use, Contraindications, Warnings,Destinee Adverse Reactions, Precautions, and othersafety information please refer towww.bioness.com/Safety_and_Risk_Information.php(also available in the L300 Go Users Guide).Individual results may vary. Consult with a qualified physician to determine if this product is right for you.L300 Go, Bioness, the Bioness Logo and LiveOn are trademarks of Bioness Inc.www.bioness.com |Rx Only2021 Bioness Inc.0370803708_msfocus_ad_r01v01.indd 1 9/14/21 3:40 PM'