b"allows the people with whom you are sharingThe part of the fall holiday that Cynthia a meal to understand your disease throughsaid is the most challenging is how to manage your perception.her energy levels while still being able to M attend gatherings. She said the truth is Im Maannaaggiinnggssuuggaarr,,eenneerrggyylleevveellss unable to attend every social event during Delaware resident Cynthia Hall shared herthe holidays that I would like to. And I would tips for getting through the fall season. Herprefertobeinvitedtoafriendorfamily diet consists mostly of organic vegan food. Shemember's home for meals for which I will tries to ll her table with as many vegetablescontribute side dishes and desserts (so I do not aspossible,butwillalsohostgatheringsneed to expend energy cleaning my house in where she will cook the traditional turkey foraddition to cooking). Having to balance her herguests.Shealsotriestomoderatetheenergy while still seeing loved ones is a task desserts served during the fall season. As forCynthia has become successful at. the sweet portion of the meal, she said, dessertsWe all know fall to be the time we get will have far less sugar in them, for me, thanexcited to see all our loved ones sitting at the the conventional American desserts we see.table and eating home cooked meals. It is the Much of the sweetness may come from stevia,time to laugh and look forward to gatherings. as I prepare them so people can enjoy them,With these tips in mind, the season can be but I can also take a few bites. more enjoyable for you as well.25 msfocusmagazine.org"