b'Symptom ManagementDDiieettaarryyAApppprrooaacchheesst oHHeellppBBllaaddddeerraannddtoBBoowweellFFuunnccttiioonnproper healthWater, ber, and caffeine can all affect By Adrienne GarofaloBy damaging the nerves that carry messagesAdequate water intake is critical for so many from the spinal cord to the bowel and bladder,things in your body. As a provider, I often nd MS can result in bowel and bladder dysfunction.people dehydrate themselves to reduce the Bowel and bladder symptoms are quite commonnumber of urinary episodes during the day. in people diagnosed with MS, with more thanThis can lead to symptoms such as fatigue 50 percent of people reporting these issuesand dizziness, and, as it relates to our bowel during their disease course. and bladder symptoms, increased risk of Some urinary symptoms people experience,urinary tract infections or worsening constipation secondary to damage to these nerves, mayto name a few.include frequent urination, urgency ofIt is important to prioritize your daily water urination, leakage of urine, and inability tointake. In general, strive for approximately feel bladder is full. Some bowel symptomshalf of your recommended body weight (for experienced include fecal urgency, fecal leakage,your height) in ounces of water a day. For and constipation.example,afemaleweighing120pounds Oftentimes management plans for thesewould in general have a water intake goal of symptoms include medications and therapy,approximately 60 ounces a day. This goal but did you know you could also nd reliefmayseemdauntingatrst.Startwitha perhaps in your own homespecically insmaller goal and slowly increase your water your own kitchen? While medications, physicalintake over several days or weeks until you therapy, and occupational therapy have hugereach your recommended daily water intake. roles in managing bowel and bladder symptomsAnother tip includes using a water bottle causedbyMS,socanthefoodanddrinkmarked with ounces to provide a visual available in your own home.reminder and tracker as you drink water throughout the day.Lets take a closer look at bowel and bladderFiber: What is ber? It is the portion of plants symptoms caused by MS and how what wethat are not digestible in our gastrointestinal eat and do not eat can help manage thesetract. Foods high in fiber include fruits, symptoms.vegetables, beans, breads, pasta, and nuts. Water: Yes, it can be as simple as the plainWhat makes ber so important in your bowel water that comes out of the kitchen faucet.and bladder function? Dietary ber helps bulk msfocusmagazine.org 44'