b'Christopher Hudspeth By Kimani Hendricks At the age of 12, Chris Hudspeth developedwas an opportunity for them to create something an interest in radio and the elements of sound.real and designed to help people.I liked the idea of something coming out ofChris students recorded audio versions of this box where it gave you imaginationthe magazine articles, which were then copied without visuals, he said. As the youngest of ato CD and mailed out to visually impaired large family, Chris spent lots of time alonesubscribers. Chris also worked with Foundation but always found solace in listening to musicstaff and advised them on the software, hardware, and his favorite disc jockey. He was that goodand editing skills needed to create this resource. a DJ. When his voice came through, I felt likeFoundation management recognized Chris he was talking to me, which fascinated andtalent and drive and asked him to become a captured me. part of the team.As a member of the Fayetteville-CumberlandGoing digitalYouth Council, what Chris describes as a teensAs the world took more of a digital turn, for teens movement, he connected with aChris suggested the Foundation stop producing station on the campus of a historically BlackCDs and cassettes and created an account college, Fayetteville State University, during thewith Soundcloud. This service enables users summer before his sophomore year of highto search for specic content, listen whenever school. On Saturdays, I hosted an hourlongthey choose to from anywhere globally, and pop/rock radio show called Youth Focus. Iteven download les directly from the site. Aside was also where my love of reggae and jazzfrom magazine articles, teleconferences and began. The experience was an amazing one. interviews were among the audio materials It was only natural that Chris pursued a careeradded to the platform. But Chris had a bigger in radio. Between the 1990s and early 2000s,vision.Chris divided his time between several mediaChris advised the Foundation of the benets companies as a show producer, creative servicesof forming an online radio station. I was a director, audio engineer, and sound designer.partner for a radio company in Hollywood (Fla.) By 2004, he was director of a broadcastingat the time and hosted online radio as one school in Davie, Fla. I got a phone call asking ifwould a radio talk show, he said. It was an we were willing to volunteer to record articleseasy transition because we had a lot to rotate for MS Focus Magazine every quarter, Chrisin and we were still recording in-house.said. I jumped at the chance because ratherMS Focus Radio allowed us more latitude thanassignstudentsfakecommercials,itto create things that were appointment listening, 29 msfocusmagazine.org'