b'as well as the ease with which you can usesealed container would be the best storage themtoconsumehealthiernutritionalmethod. Accounting for the specic moisture options with minimal effort. Having vegetablesneeds of each item will allow you to safely enjoy that are cut and stored properly allows you tothe produce for a longer window of time. have snacks on demand or ingredients readyAlong with how produce is stored, where it for a stir fry. Thinking about your ingredientis stored will contribute to the ingredients storage in conjunction with the foods youlongevity. The separate crisper drawers for intend to consume works hand-in-hand.fruits and vegetables arent just a marketing The rst step for safe produce consumptiontool from the refrigerator companies. Many is to be vigilant about proper washing. Therefruits give off a gas that makes other produce is no need to use any sort of soap or producespoil. Storing your fruits and vegetables in wash, but you will want to make sure toseparate crisper drawers will help prevent thoroughly rinse the produce before peeling,your vegetables from ripening too quickly cutting, and consuming it. Rinsing prior toand going bad before you have a chance to these steps will ensure that no dirt or bacteriaenjoy them. Storing onions, garlic, and potatoes is transferred from the knife or cutting boardseparately is another important combination. to the parts of the fruit or vegetable youll beOnions and garlic need to be stored in a dry eating.open area, like on the counter, but can produce a gas that promotes the ripening and sprouting of potatoes. Seemingly simple changes to your ingredient storage will ensure that you have some go-to ingredients fresh and ready to go. On the off chance some of your produce starts to look a little sad before you have a chance to eat it, there are a variety of strategies that can rehydrate certain produce to avoid P waste. If you have greens (such as spinach, Prroodduucceessttoorraaggee lettuce, or kale) that have gone limp, immerse Specicallywhenlookingatproduce,them in ice water for 30 minutes or place them some ingredients need a little moisture toupright in a glass of water for a few hours. preserve the proper humidity, while othersDoes your celery feel a little limp? Immerse it need dry conditions to avoid spoiling sooner.in a cold container of water for a few hours. Berries are a great example of a food thatBe sure to look for other tips like these before needs drier conditions. Storing berries in anyou dispose of ingredients you didnt get to open-air container will prevent mold fromenjoy in time. However, regardless of these growing on them quicker. If you do see sometips, if theres mold or extreme discoloration mold on any berries, remove the specic berriesit is safest to not consume the ingredient. withmoldonthemassoonaspossibletoIf youre looking for a resource to reference, avoid spreading to others in the container.or something tangible to print for your kitchen, On the opposite end of the storage spectrum,the FoodKeeper App or foodsafety.gov have many greens need a little moisture to preventan abundance of information that can help wilting. Storing them with a damp towel in ayou avoid waste.19 msfocusmagazine.org'