b"RReeaaddMMSSFFooccuussMMaaggaazziinneeDDiiggiittaallllyy!!If you love our magazine but want to help us conserve resourcesor just prefer to read on your devicenow you can. MS Focus Magazine is offering digital subscriptions. The same great magazine you know and love can be sent right to your inbox to read online or on your device.If you would like to transition your subscription to digital, visit msfocus.us/digital today.What changes have you made to your way of cooking or eating because of MS? Also, What are some of your favorite MS-friendly dishes?Susan NicholsonWe eat more simple recipes, as it's hard to stand. Probably eat more processed or convenient foods. Desire' Linkens CovaleskiIntermittent fasting at the moment has helped me lose weight and up my energy in hopes to regain strength. Anne De La Rosa Eat everything fresh. We don't eat processed foods to avoid the preservatives. It's made a huge difference. Connie BoyingtonI don't cook all the time anymore because it kills my back and legs, but when I do, it's usually earlier in the day and I use my crockpot or toaster oven. Currently, I'm living with my daughter and they eat crazy, so if I want to eat good, I have to x my own food. Teri JonesI rarely cook but when I do, the crockpot is a wonderful help. Ingrid ONealI don't fry as much as I used to and I use olive oil a lot. Paulette GatelyI don't eat proceed food and preservatives.7 msfocusmagazine.org"