b'MS Focus ActivitiesGiving BackPirates on the RunJarod Ruffing set for second 5k walk/run eventJarod Ruffing is a second-year dental studenton hosting 5k runs, talking to individuals on at the East Carolina University School of Dentaltheir previous service activities and fundraising Medicine. He was born in Anchorage, Alaska,events, as well as asking the community what where he spent most of his childhood. He alsothey would enjoy doing. I started to think, lived in Florida and New York, but nishedHow can I get a large amount of people to his last two years of high school in Greenville,come and get educated on a topic while doing North Carolina. He earned his bachelors degreesomething they love? This brought me to the in Molecular and Cellular Biology at East Carolinaconclusion that I would hold a 5k walk/run University. His hobbies include cycling, shing,eventthe Pirates Run for Multiple Sclerosis. playing guitar, rock climbing, reading, andIhadnearly50individualscomeandI spending time with loved ones.raised more than $2,000 in the process. Of What inspired you to help people with MS? course, there were expenses that had to be My grandmother, Lynn Kenney-Ruffing,accounted for, but $1,700 was donated served as the chief of staff under her closestdirectly to MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis friend, State Sen. Johnny Ellis. Sen. EllisFoundation. Before the race, I educated the served as a member of the Alaska House ofrunners on this disease, and the organization Representatives, member of the Alaska Senate,as well. and Majority Leader of the Alaska Senate.What was the most challenging Ellis acquired multiple sclerosis in his laterpart of this project? years, and unfortunately died months afterThe most challenging part of this event was my grandmother passed away. I spent a lotorganizing all the logistics. I single-handedly of my life with my grandmother; for a goodplanned this event. I created an online registration period of my life she raised me. She taught mefor the event, purchased food and snacks, how to garden, enjoy the Alaska summers,designed T-shirts, mapped the course, as well and loved me with all her heart. I grew close toas recruited volunteers to come help. This Sen. Ellis and saw his struggles with multipleevent would not have been possible without sclerosis and wanted to give back. Being inmy sponsors: Treybrooke Apartments, Yabas an immense amount of debt, I knew I couldMediterranean Restaurant, Earp Dentistry, not donate any of my income, but I had thisandHeritageApartments.Myclassmates, idea of fundraising to give back. parents, girlfriend, and the Greenville Parks How did your plan to give back work?and Recreation Service were all an incredible I planned this event by doing my researchsupport system during the event as well.msfocusmagazine.org 42'