b'Symptom ManagementHydration Matter Hydration Matter An extra glass of water may minimize some of your symptoms By Cherie Binns For most of our lives we have heard thatgassy,bloatedandmayevensufferfrom we need to be well-hydrated to feel our best.heartburn. Many of us have been told that eight glassesFrom every source I consulted, the benets of water daily is a must and we may also haveofadequatehydrationincludeimproved heard that drinking one-third of our bodycognition, increased energy, and a reduction weight in ounces of liquid is a must. Whereof pain. The National Council on Aging did a do these guidelines come from and why arestudy that found that even a 2 percent uid we told to do this?loss effects mood, memory, concentration, Our bodies are made up of 60-70 percentand reaction time. Healthline also noted that waterandweloseitconstantlythroughdehydrationnegativelyimpairscognition breathing, sweating, and elimination of urineand working memory, and increases anxiety and stool. When we do not replenish what isand fatigue. Another source noted there is lost, we can become dehydrated. Some of thegreater brain atrophy noted on MRIs of persons signs you might be dehydrated are thirst, peeingwho are dehydrated. They took healthy adult fewer than four times a day, urine that is yellow,volunteers and did an MRI on individuals gold, or orange in color, or a strong odor towho were purposely dehydrated for the study urine. Dizziness or lightheadedness, fatigueandthenreimagedthem whenthey were and sleepiness, and dry mouth, eyes, or lipswell-hydrated and noticed a 1-2 percent loss are also indicators that an individual couldof brain volume in the individuals when they be dehydrated. The denition of dehydrationwere dehydrated compared to the same is that it occurs when our bodies lose moreindividual who had replenished that lost uid. uid than they take in.Idiscoveredthreedifferenttrials,with According to Mayo Clinic and the Nationalaround 100 individuals in each of them looking Health Service in the UK, persons who areattheeffectoffluidintakeonmigraine older than 60, have diabetes, irritable bowelheadaches. By adding one to two additional syndrome or diarrhea, are overheated, whoglasses of uid a day, more than three-quarters consume alcohol, or who use certain medicationsof participants in one study and more than such as diuretics are more prone to dehydration.half in the other two studies reduced both the Those who are regularly exercising or haveseverity and the frequency of their migraines. active professions that have them sweating need to be careful to get enough fluid. WeMy husband has suffered from Charley require water to digest our food and, if we arehorses in his calves and feet since he was an not getting enough, will become constipated,adolescent, which have him jumping out of msfocusmagazine.org 46'