b'Feeling the love was a simple way of helping them," she said. The Brighter Tomorrow Grant is many thingsIn her experience, the process was simple to different people. Pamela Leonard describesand fast. "I lled out an application, and a her experience: "I felt so overwhelmed that Icouple of days later, I was told I had been was chosen, and I felt the love. I felt the loveapproved. I was so shocked and excited. A of the team and how committed they were.couple of days later, the robot arrived." Sometimes we go through so much in life weMaking a tangible differencedon\'t think we\'ll see a brighter tomorrow. ButIn her decade of experience overseeing I felt loved and appreciated." A cancer survivorthisprogram,VickiKnobeladvisesthose who lives with MS, Pamela asked for four tireslooking to apply that "It doesn\'t matter how for her car at a time when she needed thembig or small the item or service someone asks most. "It was a true need, you guys are literallyfor is. The committee is strictly looking at strangers, but you are a shining light in a darkwhethertherequest willmakeatangible place. I was crying, and people assumed it wasdifference in the applicant\'s day-to-day life. about my health. I was able to say I was full ofPlease don\'t ask for a trip to the Bahamas, for joy because of the Brighter Tomorrow Grant.example. This program is designed to help Now tomorrow looks like a brighter today."those in need with things or services they Small things push you forward otherwise need but don\'t have the capital to Regina Brown, from Las Vegas, applied forget, like refrigerators, beds, or tires." She also a recliner and was surprised by how smoothrecommends not giving up if someone doesnt the process was. "Vicki (Knobel) is the nicestget approved the rst time. Keep reapplying. lady. Extremely positive. She contacted meThere\'s no reason to give up if you dont get andtoldmetopickoutareclinerofmyselected the rst time. But remember, if you have choice. It was there in three days. They evenbeen selected, it\'s a one-time deal. You cant sent someone to set up the chair, and I\'ve beenbe approved for this grant more than once." happy ever since." Brown was diagnosed withFor those looking to apply, Saulters-Hall MS 16 years ago and occasionally suffers fromhas some words of encouragement: "Apply. vertigo. She states that rocking in the reclinerMS can take so much from us. Our health. helps decrease her symptoms. "TheyveOur independence. Our sense of security. If denitely made my life better. That\'s why it\'sapplying for one of these grants will help you called Brighter Tomorrow. It\'s the small thingsin any way, please apply. Stay MS strong." in life that make you push forward. It mightTo apply for a Brighter Tomorrow Grant just be a chair, but it means a lot. Winter\'sbetween June 1 and Sept. 1, visit our website, coming, and with a heater on my feet, a hotmsfocus.org. At the top of the Home page, beverage in my hand, rocking in my chairclick the Get Help tab, Grants and Programs, makes my tomorrow brighter."then selectBrighter Tomorrow Grant." You Robot to help the family may complete the application directly from the page or email it to support@msfocus.org. For Cathy Servano of Palm Coast, Fla., aTheoptionofprintingandfaxingones mother of two who is a wheelchair userapplication is also available; mail the physical because of her MS, a vacuum robot was acopy to our national headquarters at 6520 helpfultoolforhernewlytiledoors."MyN. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309, family helps out in so many ways. This robotor fax to 954-351-0630. 35 msfocusmagazine.org'