b'Life with MSYou are What You are What You Eat You Eat By Marcia HarrisIf it is true that you are what you eat, then Replace your unhealthy eating habits with I think some of us are in trouble. I know I dohealthier ones. not have good eating habits. At age 67, at a Reinforce your new, healthier eating habits. height of 5 feet 5 inches, I have watched myThe habits they say you would want to reect weight slide up and down the scale more thanon and possibly change include: eating too 30 pounds over the years, especially whenfast, always cleaning your plate, eating when my thyroid was removed. At one point thetired or stressed (but not hungry), eating while antiseizure medication I am taking wreakedstanding up (may lead to eating mindlessly havoc not only with my brain, but with myor too quickly), always eating dessert, and digestive system and my weight. Things haveskipping meals (or maybe just breakfast). settled down now and I weigh in at about 141 pounds on a good day. They had some great ideas that are worth Of course, if I were to eat properly andreviewing and replacing. If you eat too fast exercise regularly, I am quite sure this numberwhen you are alone, maybe you could try to would go down even further. So, what is theshare a meal with someone either at work or problem? For one thing, I do not eat breakfast,at home. Eat only when you are truly hungry, which I understand is very important. I alsonot tired or stressed. Plan meals ahead of tend to eat packaged foods more than I shouldtime so they are well-balanced healthy meals. because they are easier for my special-needsTry to eat more slowly by putting your utensil adult son to microwave, so I eat them as welldown between bites.when I dont feel like cooking. I know I dontHabits take time to develop and they do drink enough water, I snack a little too much,not happen right away. Be careful not to get and I love my ginger ale. upset if you make some mistakes, and make I did some research and found that thesure you give yourself credit for your successes. CDC has an excellent approach to improvingI use ground turkey to make meatloaf and try your eating habits:to make sure I include a salad in most of my meals. I use 1 percent milk, dont keep tooReect on all of your specic eating habits,much candy in the house, and I rarely drink both bad and good, and your common triggersalcohol. I try to give myself credit for this but for unhealthy eating.I know there is much more I should be doing. msfocusmagazine.org 40'