b'bed in the middle of night to put weight on the foot to minimize the pain. His primary care provider told him that 90 percent of legPOLAR OFFERS SOLUTIONS cramps can be minimized or eliminated if theFOR COOLING EVERY BODY! individual is well-hydrated and he absolutely has found that to be true. He also gets dizzy when he stands too quickly and that does notWE CAN happen when he pays attention to uid intake.OFFER And he does not have MS.THE MOST Those of us living with MS often experienceEFFECTIVE fatigue, constipation, cognitive issues, headaches,SOLUTION pain, spasticity. These symptoms, in the studiesFOR YOUR mentioned, all improved when individualsINDIVIDUAL got enough uid into them. The trial participants wereallhealthyindividuals.WoulditnotNEEDS. then stand to reason that we have a simpleWe have tool available to ease the intensity of some ofeverything the symptoms that are worsened because ofyou need from MS?Thingssuchasspasticity,dizziness,cooling vests to cognition, mood, anxiety, and eliminationaccessories to issues that we have associated with our MScirculang cold might just improve by getting enough uidwater therapy on board. I personally have found fatigue issystems. less,painisnotaspronounced,andmy thoughts are clearer when I drink enough than when I do not pay attention to that. I challenge each of you reading this to be aware of your intake of liquids and see if adding an extra glass each day does notOther manufacturers may claim their single, minimize some of your MS symptoms andunpatented cooling technology is the best make them more tolerable. You do not needfor all environments and situaons, butto actually drink eight glasses of water dailyPolar is the only manufacturer worldwide but can get your needed liquids from soups,oering every major type of personal body coffee, tea, juice, and more. Just keep in mind thatcooling technology! both caffeine and alcohol can be dehydratingSee our complete product line atand sodas with sugar in them can increasepolarproducts.com|800.763.8423fatigue and pain, so try to balance the intake of liquids that may have potential negativePROUD SUPPLIER FOR THEeffect.MSF COOLING PROGRAM47msfocusmagazine.org'