b'Letting Lifestyle Dictate Functionality 8ITraditional triangle makes kitchen space more pleasurable, user-friendly. 11Improving the Kitchen ExperienceNUtensils and children require careful consideration.14Surmounting Common Cooking BarriersWith effort, challenges can be overcome in the kitchen. 16Several Vitamins Offer BenetsTDiscuss with your doctor if a supplement is right for you.18Avoiding Food WasteTemperature, storage, and produce considerations play part in grocery use.HA 5 Step Recipe for Eating Healthy With MS 20A dietician provides simple steps you can take.Making Fall Feasting Enjoyable 24ITips that can help make the season easier to stomach.Benefi ciary Profi le: Healthcare Assistance Program 28 SProgram covers doctors visit, follow-up, and limited dental care. 32Tech Support for Your Dietary JourneyInternet and apps help you with planning, getting groceries, and journaling.Making A Real Difference 34 IBrighter Tomorrow Grants offers people safety and help around the home.39Helping Disaster SurvivorsMS Focus offers disaster relief to individuals with MS.Dietary Approaches to Help Bladder and Bowel Function 44SWater, ber, and caffeine can all affect proper health. Hydration Matters 46 SAn extra glass of water may minimize some of your symptoms.48 Energy ConservationUMaking food shopping and preparation easier 42 Our Focus 6Giving BackE Takeaways 26Ask the MS Nurse 50 Spotlight 29Doctors Notes 51 My Story 36Fatigue-Free Foodie 54 MS Focused 38 Empowered 40MS Focus Brain Games55 3 msfocusmagazine.org'