b'Meanwhile,mycourseloadindentalsimilar events, and dont be afraid to ask for school consisted of 39 credit hours, and I wasdonations from small local businesses.the president of my class. You could say lifeWhat did you learn from doing this was busy.and what are your future goals? What advice would you give to othersI learned that planning an event to this who are trying to give back? scale is not easy, but it is attainable. A lot of My biggest piece of advice would be, ifwork was invested into this event, but I know you have an idea, pursue it. When I came upthe work invested will yield an even greater with this idea, there were many doubts in myreward. My hope is that others will see this mind, and I had never planned somethingand think, Boy, I can do this too! We can this big before. However, I kept telling myselfhave a chain-reaction of people giving back I would make it happen, and thats what I did.in ways they never imagined. Like my high school football coach always said, Find a way! I would tell someone toI am very excited to host the second Pirates believe in yourself, you never know what youRun for Multiple Sclerosis this fall and aim can do until you do it. Dont let anyone tellto educate even more people this year on you who you are or who you are not. Believemultiple sclerosis. For more information or to in yourself, take the necessary steps to moveget involved in the 2022 Pirates Run for forward with the project, and do it. Talk toMultiple Sclerosis, call 907-355-5711, or thoseinthecommunitythathavehostedemail jarodx26@gmail.com. Want to Plan Your Own Fundraiser?To get help creating your own event to support people with MS contact: Debra Forman at 800-226-6495or email debra@msfocus.org. 43msfocusmagazine.org'