b'Life with MSLLeettttiinnggLLiiffeessttyylleeDDiiccttaatteeFFuunnccttiioonnaalliittyyTTrraaddiittiioonnaallttrriiaanngglleemmaakkeesskkiittcchheennssppaacceemmoorreepplleeaassuurraabbllee,,usseerrffrriieennddllyyuBy Live in Place DesignsMany people say the kitchen is the mostproviding the clearance or throughway needed important room in the house. Its the placefor mobility equipment.we come together as a family, to nourish ourSo, what are the added components to the bodies, and our souls. This is true for most ofvariable work station to create a functional us on some level. kitchen for MS?And this doesnt need to change, even ifMyou are living with multiple sclerosis. The goodMuullttiiffuunnccttiioonnaallwwoorrkkssuurrffaacceenewsisthatyoucanintentionallydesignSince ADA guidelines do not govern residential your kitchen or make modications for MSspaces, accessible design for home kitchens is that will help you in preparing nourishingreally guided by universal design principlesmeals that help ght fatigue and boost vitalto meet the needs of everyone in the household. energy. A multifunctional work surface adjacent to or The primary focus of an accessible kitchendirectly near the cooking area can be used as design for MS is to foster independence. Thisa place to sit and prepare food, especially for is better accomplished if you conserve energy,the person requiring improved accessibility. manage temperature sensitivity, and optimizeIt is an added component that is adaptable your motor strength and coordination. and can also meet the needs of grandparents, V children, or grandchildren when spending VaarriiaabblleewwoorrkkssttaattiioonnssYour movement in the kitchen starts withtime together in the kitchen.the layout. Convenience provided by theThis work surface itself could be a part of traditional work trianglethe sink, cooktop,avariable-heightkitchenislandthatalso and refrigeratormay not exactly t the needscontains the cooktop or a roll-under sink. It of someone living with a disability. may be a portion of an island across from the We propose an expanded view of the workcooktop that is tiered for dual duty as a desk trianglea variable work stationsince theduring the day for work for daily or household solutionforthosestrugglingwithlimitedchores. Maybe its a table on wheels that gets mobility and energy will almost always involvestored under the kitchen island or counter until more than the traditional three components forneeded.Itcouldbedesignedasanentire cooking, storage, and preparation. Efficiencylowered kitchen island that doubles as your is the main goal here, to keep the variabletable when its time to serve meals. Or it can work station nearest to the cook while stillbe a lower countertop next to the cooktop 8 msfocusmagazine.org'