b'Natalie BlakeKasey Minnis Executive Director Executive DirectorWe begin this issue with a spoiler: ThereStudies show that an incremental approach is no official MS diet. Though several haveis most likely to be successful. Making small been studied, there isnt evidence to support thechanges is less threatening to our comfort idea that diet can control or reverse damageand routine than trying a whole new way of MS causes within the central nervous system.eating. It also provides positive reinforcement However, there is evidence that a moderate,by allowing us to build a record of small varied, plant-rich diet can decrease inammation,successes (rather than small failures when we improve fatigue, and support overall health.try to make sweeping changes and cheat). So why arent we all following these guidelines?This can build our condence and help to Food is deeply personal. What you eat onmake the next small change.a regular basis reects a complex pattern ofIf changing how you eat is daunting, can inuences,includingyourfamily,culture,you commit to this incremental approach? abilities, priorities, and nances. That patternAs you read through this issue and the begins to form from your earliest experiencesrecommendationsofexpertsondietand with food and, over time, grows into deeplynutritioninMS,pickjustonesmallthing ingrained habits and strong preferences. youd like to change about your diet. Then track yourprogressandcelebrate your For this reason, the idea of changing thesuccesses. When you feel comfortable that way you eat can feel threatening. The patternthis change has been incorporated into your of eating you have developed over time isdiet and become normal for you, select the what feels normal, satisfying, and comforting.next small change youd like to make and Shopping and preparation are routine, andbegin to reap the benets.may feel like all you can manage. Yet most ofThe way you eat now is the result of habits us have room for improvement in our diets.built over time. Changing the way you eat will So, how do we overcome this natural resistancetake time too. But by making small changes, to dietary change?you can reap large health benets over time.Tell us what you want to see in MS Focus Magazine.Email comments to: editor@msfocus.org or write to: Editor, MS Focus 6520 N. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 msfocusmagazine.org 6'