b'Medicine & ResearchAA55SStteeppRReecciippeef orrEEaattiinnggHHeeaalltthhyyfoWWiitthhMMSSBy Mona BostickPeople with multiple sclerosis are increasinglywhether it is necessary to modify your eating interested in alternative treatment options.pattern or adopt a specic diet. Unlike kidney These treatments may involve diets, supplements,disease (for example), in which the kidneys herbal remedies, acupuncture, massage therapy,do not work as well to remove waste products exercises, meditation, and many others. Thisfrom your body, MS does not require a specic interest has led to numerous questions aboutdiet or eating pattern. There are no particular how nutrition broadly supports health and iffoods that, if avoided, can prevent or halt MS food choices may affect MS or help to managefrom progressing. Eating for health is essential, symptoms of MS. but with all the conicting nutrition information S available everywhere, it can be tough to know Soo,,wwhhyyddoowweeeeaattffooooddaannyywwaayy??The primary purpose of eating is to sustainwhat that means. life; it is a basic human need for survival andHere is a ve-step recipe for eating healthy health. The human body prefers to obtaineven with MS. nutrients from food. The nutrients from theSStteepp11::food we eat have three primary roles: SSttaarrttbbyyeeaattiinnggffoorrhheeaalltthh1. Provide energy in the form of caloriesThe Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2. Contribute to body structure (cells, muscles,advises us on what to eat and drink to meet organs, bones, everything)nutrient needs, promote health, and prevent 3. Regulate chemical processes in the bodydisease. Broadly speaking the guidelines make (metabolism, nerve transmission, uidthe following recommendations: balance, muscle contraction, and so much1. Follow a healthy eating pattern at every more)stage of life. In other words, our bodies require food to2. Customize and enjoy nutrient-dense function. So, eating to support this requirementfood and beverage choices to reflect is an integral part of being a healthy human.personal preferences, cultural traditions, Do any of our nutrient requirements changeand budgetary considerations. after a MS diagnosis? Or do nutrients have3. Focus on meeting nutritional needs with different roles because of MS? Based onnutrient-dense foods and beverages. currently available evidence, the answer to both questions is no.4. Limit foods and beverages that are higher One of the more confusing aspects of eatingin saturated fat, added sugars, and sodium. healthyafterreceivingaMSdiagnosisis5. Limit alcoholic beverages. msfocusmagazine.org 20'