b'I mpprroovviinnggtthheeKKiittcchheennEExxppeerriieenncceeImUUtteennssiillssaannddcchhiillddrreennrreeqquuiirreeccaarreeffuullccoonnssiiddeerraattiioonnBy Darbi Haynes-LawrenceOvertheyears,therehavebeenmanyand the recommendations made are ones that changes within our family. As we watch ourdo not always work for me. Items that are daughter grow into a senior in high school andthicker, or have a fatter handle, are my go-to prepare for college, we have also observed theitems in the kitchen. decline of my ne motor skills. As the primaryUtensil utilityUtensil utilitymeal prepper in the house, this has caused some changes to food preparation. My daughterOne item that is consistently recommended and I have always enjoyed having a lot of rawfor me is the palm peeler. I do not like this vegetables cleaned and prepped in the fridge,item. If we continue with the issue of peeling so it is easy to grab a few for a snack and goa potato, that is a two-handed job. I can hold on our merry way. However, not being able toa fat-handled peeler well. I can hold a potato peel, chop, or slice fruits and veggies as quicklyin my other hand well. It is when the two as I used to is a challenge. While my daughterhands come together to put force on the potato is awesome at helping me in the kitchen, Iand peel it, that issues occur. I did not like the love my independence (or Im stubborn) andpalm peeler because I felt I had no control want to continue to be able to cook and prepover the blade because of not being able to meals on my own, without assistance. see it in relation to a funky-shaped potato. Now with something straight, such as a carrot, Like many of you, Ive observed my ne-motorit works just ne. But, because the carrot is skills decline to the point where food prep hasstraight, I can hold it, or place it on my cutting become difficult. After a few minor accidents,board, and peel it with a traditional fat-handled for example while trying to peel potatoes, Ipeeler.have had to make changes in the kitchen. IBecause of the difficulties of something have discussed the difficulty of holding andbasic, such as holding and peeling a potato, peeling things with my team of medicaland instead of purchasing multiple, often professionals, including occupational therapists,expensive gadgets to help with this process, 11 msfocusmagazine.org'