b'Medicine & Research Balance means not consuming one nutrientFor example, the specic objective in eating at the expense of another.with kidney disease is to consume the mostVariety may be the actual "superfood" becausebalanced, varied, and adequate nutrition while each food source provides a different nutrientmodifying the intake of electrolytes and protein prole. Variety helps to ensure you consumethat might tax the kidneys. a diversity of nutrients.MSdoesnotrequireanysuchdietaryFlexibility has allowed humans to survivemodication. In fact, based on current evidence, over the millennia despite constantly changingno nutrition intervention affects the MS disease food sources. Throughout history, includingcourse. There is some limited evidence that periods of famine and food scarcity, humansinterventions may affect symptoms, such as have found ways to adapt. fatigue.SStteepp44::EExxppeerriimmeennttwwiitthheeaattiinnggNutrient-dense foods, balance, variety, andf orrMMSSssyymmppttoommmmaannaaggeemmeennttflexibility are likely to result in nutritionalfoadequacy, which is the foundation of nutritionA few studies suggest food choice may health. Inadequacy may lead to malnutrition,affect some common MS symptoms. Whether which is not benecial for anyone.this is because of an intentional focus on eating S healthy and selecting foods that meet nutrient Stteepp33::EEaattttoommaannaaggee//pprreevveenntt needs which allow our body to function better, c or because of a specic intervention is not clear.coommoorrbbiiddccoonnddiittiioonnssOnce you are consistently implementingWhat is clear is that any nutrition intervention steps one and two, it is time to consideryou experiment with should align with steps comorbidities (chronic health conditions youone through three. In other words, meet your live with in addition to MS). Comorbid healthnutrient needs with food; include balance, conditions are linked to several poor healthvariety, and exibility; and do not interfere outcomes, including increased disability andwith therapeutic interventions for comorbid poor quality of life in people with MS.conditions. While there is no therapeutic diet for MS,Stherapeutic diets (or nutrition interventions)Stteepp55::EEaattiinngghheeaalltthhyysshhoouullddare clinically beneficial for each of thebbeepphhyyssiiccaallllyy,,eemmoottiioonnaallllyynoouurriisshhiinnggcomorbid conditions listed below. Each of themnuses the DGA as the jumping-off point becauseThe rst four steps in this recipe describe nutrition adequacy remains the goal.how food provides the nutrients required forDyslipidemiaour bodies to function. But to suggest thatHypertensionfuel is the only role food plays in our lives isKidney diseaseakin to saying that sex is only for reproduction.Heart diseaseThis nal step is a reminder that eating forGlucose controlphysicalhealthshouldnotcomeattheBone healthexpense of emotional health. Food features predominantly in many of the genuinely humanGastrointestinal diseasemoments in our lives. Joy is an essentialChronic lung diseaseingredient in a healthy eating pattern. msfocusmagazine.org 22'