b' Ask for help with preparation.Sit down. In the meat, deli, and produce departments,Get a stool or tall chair for the kitchen and use ask to have items you intend to purchaseit as much as possible. Just sitting down can cut to a manageable size. Most stores willcut your energy expenditure by 25 percent. do this without additional charge. This is Allow time. particularly helpful with things that take aMake sure to allow yourself time to go at a lot of energy to cut, such as winter squash,comfortable pace. Rushing consumes energy. rotisserie chicken, or thick cuts of meat.Bring your mobile device into the kitchen MMeeaallpprreeppaarraattiioonn:: and listen to music or a podcast while youBe at your freshest.take your time with meal prep. Dont plan intensive meal preparation on the Enlist help. same day you did your shopping or worked,Ask a friend or family member to assist you if at all possible. Particularly if working withwith labor-intensive tasks, such as gathering knives, peelers, or other cutting tools, do soingredients or washing up.when you have energy for the sake of safety. What changes have you made to your way of cooking or eating because of MS? Also, What are some of your favorite MS-friendly dishes?Megan Bruce I do try to be organic and gluten free as much as possible, whether Im cooking at home or going out. I try to limit going out as much as possible but with three kids in sports and working, I just try to get the best option when its a must. And no bread. No soda, no coffee, make sure to drink lots of water. Vickie Adams Hadge I am now whole food plant-based. I also exercise regularly, get good sleep, and practice mindfulness/kindness. All four of these (and my medication) help me live well with my MS for over 15 years! Donna Schneider-McCartanTry not to eat a lot of sugar. 49 msfocusmagazine.org'