b"Life with MSBBlliinnddssiiddeeddbbyyMMSSBy Brandon PriceI was diagnosed with MS in 2012, the yeardoing okay? I would always respond with Yes, that changed my life forever. I had symptomsIm doing ne. I knew that meant I wouldn't have dating back to 2009 (or earlier). Being in theto face my illness or neurologist for another year. U.S. Army at the time, it was expected of meBy 2017 to 2018, I had lesions everywhere to be in the best shape of my life physically,and a severe relapse; that's when I knew I mentally, and emotionally, so I ignored theneeded to face my illness. It had taken a lot issues I was having. from me over the years, and I implore you Shortly after being discharged, I was wheelednot to make the same mistakes I did. No good into the ER, given morphine, and received mycomes from avoiding MS. My biggest mistake rst MRI. My legs were in so much pain, felt sowas I didnt exercise, change my diet, or get heavy, and my brain was severely malfunctioningon DMTs for the rst six years.too. Afterward, they wheeled me back to myTake the time you need to work through room and told me I needed to follow up with ayour diagnosis, as no one can be prepared for neurologist immediately. this. Once youre ready, reach out to the MS A few weeks later, at the age of 24, I satcommunity and others living with MS. It can face-to-face with a neurologist who was aboutbeavery,veryisolatingdisease.Still,the to deliver the news to me. He said, Brandon,power of our community is incredible and can I am sorry to tell you this, but you have multiplebe very empowering. sclerosis. This day is burned into my soul. IWe can always talk to our neurologists, was devastated and felt my already fragile lifebut they often speak to us from a medical completely derailing. perspective. In the MS community, we can all I nally knew why my legs were so heavy,lean on one another while sharing our story. and why my thoughts and memory weren'tI have made some of the best friends Ive ever as clear. I left that appointment feeling sohad in the MS community because we all have sad, worried, and scared that I spiraled into aa connection that others cannot understand.deep depression for years. Having gone toWere all ghting the debilitating neurological war before, at that moment I knew I would becondition together. Although it is isolating and at war for the rest of my life. defeating at times, we must continue the ght. The rst few years after my diagnosis, IThere is no other choice. Please reach out; youre didnt do anything about my MS, which is mynot alone. You will nd comfort, acknowledgment, biggest regret. My neurologist would say, Youand trust within your fellow MSers. Keep up the have many more lesions. Are you sure youregood ght; we must continue forging forward. msfocusmagazine.org 36"