b'MS Focus Activities[ TAKEAWAYSSafety precautions from COVID-19 have prevented us from resuming in-person programs just yet. MS Focus continues to hold a series of teleconferences to enrich the lives and meet the needs of those in the MS community. If you missed a teleconference or want to revisit one, you will be able to nd it online either on YouTube or SoundCloud. Type the msfocus.us link for the conference into your browser to go directly to a recording. July Teleconferences Ask the MS Expert Aron Boster, MD msfocus.us/70722 MS and Vaccines: Flu, Shingles, Pneumonia and COVID Ben Thrower, MD msfocus.us/71222 Managing Your MS Symptoms Cherie Binns, RN,MSCN msfocus.us/71922 Hope for Progressive MS Daniel Kantor, PhD msfocus.us/72822 August TeleconferencesUnderstanding and Managing Cognitive Changes Fred Foley,PhD msfocus.us/80122 Ask the MS ExpertBen Thrower, MD msfocus.us/80922 Lifestyle, Health and Diet in MS Sabeen Lulu, MD msfocus.us/82422 September TeleconferencesMiSres: the Malfunctioning MS Immune System Ben Thrower, MD msfocus.us/90622 Ask The MS Nurse Cherie Binns, RN, MSCN msfocus.us/91322 Ask the MS Expert Aaron Boster, MD msfocus.us/91522 The Secret Symptoms: Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction in MS Christine Hampton, MOT, OTR/L msfocus.us/92222 msfocusmagazine.org 26'