b'which allows easy reach to cabinets from a Speeds cook timeInduction cooktops task chair or wheelchair. generate heat directly in the pan, this means Regardless of the unique solution that worksit takes 25-50 percent less time to heat and best for you and your space, integrating acook the food. The result: increased energy multifunctional work surface into the traditionalefficiency for your home and for you.triangle is a must to create your variable work Keeps kitchen coolerIn addition to reduced station in the kitchen. cook time, with more heat going directly Seeaattiinngg S to heating the food, less heat is lost in the The importance of a task chair to the variableenvironment.Yourkitchenstayscooler work station cannot be underestimated forwhile youre cooking, and so do you.someone experiencing balance and coordination SafetyCooktops are notorious for being issues linked to MS. Look for a chair with arms,dangerous (think re risk, gas leak, burns), one that has wheels with an easy-to-reachbut with induction there are no ames and brake, and adjustable height and back reststhe only part of your stove that gets hot is tochangetheangleoftheseat.Havingathe pan itself. The pan responds immediately placetotakeaseatafteryouvecollectedto temperature adjustment and cools quickly everything and are ready to prep and cookwhen heat is turned off, so its less likely you yourmealwillhelppreventunnecessarywill burn delicate ingredients in the pan or wasted energy and help reduce your risk ofburn yourself. falling.I ndduuccttiioonnccooookkttoopp User-friendly easeInduction cooktops In offer more settings and tech that can offer When designing or retrotting your kitchensupport with concentration, memory, or focus for a variable work station, a roll-under cooktopchallenges. In addition to more precise heat is a must. By far, the most important considerationcontrol, other benets include auto shut-off for selecting a cooktop for MS is to chooseandcooktimerwithshut-off,aswellas one that will help improve safety, and user- overheat protection.friendly comfort and functionality.Hands down, if you are going to swap out Ease of maintenanceFinally, induction or add any appliance in your kitchen forcooktops are easy to clean because of their improved accessibilitymake it an inductionsmoothsurface,combinedwiththefact cooktop. This appliance warrants a morethat food doesnt often burn onto the areas detailed look. These cooktops heat withsurrounding the pan. Less wear and tear on electromagnetism (rather than gas or electricthe cooktop surfaceless wear and tear on coils) and heres why it matters to you:your muscles.msfocusmagazine.org 9'