b'Helping Disaster SurvivorsMS Focus offers disaster relief to individuals with MSOnSeptember18,HurricaneFionatoreJust ten days later, the need for the program through Puerto Rico, causing severe oodingexpanded, as the west central coast of Florida and widespread power outage throughout thewas ravaged by Hurricane Ian. The storm island. This U.S. territory is a hotspot for MS,decimated areas along the coast and ooded withahighernumberofcasesthanotherlarge portions of the state.Caribbeanlocales.UnfortunatelyforthoseTeam members at MS Focus reached out to with MS who have heat sensitivity, its also a literal hot spot. Average temperatures inour contacts at FEM (the MS Foundation of September and October reach the high 80sPuerto Rico) and to support group leaders in during the day time.hard-hit areas of Florida. Calls for emergency As the magnitude of the power outageassistance began to come in. Most commonly, became known, MS Focus sprang into action,people requested cooling vests and fuel for announcing that its Cooling Program, whichgenerators.ended its 2022 cycle on June 1, was beingThe Multiple Sclerosis Foundation has a reopened for those in disaster zones. It wasspecial campaign to raise funds for this effort. also announced that other needs for disasterIf you would like to give in support of disaster survivors would be met through the Emergencyrelief, you can donate by texting FIONA to 50155, Assistance Grant, Transportation Assistanceon Facebook by visiting msfocus.us/hurricane, Grant, Assistive Technology Program, and otheror through our website at msfocus.org. MS Focus services.Residentsofdisasterareascanusethe standard applications for our programs, which are available online at msfocus.org, by email to support@msfocus.org, or by calling 888-673-6287. No special application is required, but it is recommended that applicants note on their application that their need was caused by a natural disaster. Any FEMA-declared natural disaster will be given priority consideration.39 msfocusmagazine.org'