b'Life with MSI deennttiiffyyiinnggaannddIdCCoommmmuunniiccaattiinnggYYoouurrHHeeaalltthhccaarreeNNeeeeddssBy Megan Weigel Each person who lives with multiple updated, any medications or medical issuessclerosis wonders and worries about dierent that have changed, while perhaps you wouldaspects of life. What your concerns are depends like to talk in-depth about a physical therapyon your priorities prior to diagnosis and the or cognitive rehab plan. Rest assured; yourchanges that occur through the years. For healthcare provider wants to help you achieveexample, perhaps you love to exercise and your goals! want to make sure you stay as mobile and A scenario that is often relayed to me islimber as possible; maybe you want to start a this: Your provider drives the visit. You havefamily, and wonder about what that means for a couple of minutes left to ask a question thatyour MS medications; or maybe you want to you have been stewing over for months. Yourbe sure you plan for your future nancially, no provider answers it with a quick, generalmatter what it may look like. In any of these response that does not satisfy you (and probablycases,conversationswithyourhealthcare does not satisfy your provider, either). Whatprovider can help you make sound and safe next? How do you advocate for yourself anddecisions. The rst big question is how do youstart a conversation that gets you the answers your needs?you desire? If your questions are not answered in anLet me lead with some perspective. Your oce visit, and you are told to schedule a visitMS doctor visits are not usually long enough in a number of months that seems too farto discuss all of your needs. (Heads are away, you get to choose the next step!I wouldprobably nodding.) The current demands of suggest a comment like this to your provider:the healthcare system, including the necessity I have some things I would like to discussof documenting quality measures and the with you related to my lifestyle and planningelectronic medical record, may take meaningful for the future. I would prefer to schedule atime away from the conversation you would follow-up in one month rather than six so welike to have with your healthcare provider. can talk about those. And guess what? Relief(More heads are probably nodding, including lls the room. Your provider, who wants to bethose of your providers.) Your healthcare a resource on whom you can count, gets theprovider has an agenda that may be dierent chance to provide you with meaningful time.than yours. He or she needs to know about You know you will have a focused visit andrelapses, disability progression, symptom get your questions answered. Its a win-winchange, MRI change, any tests you need situation.msfocusmagazine.org 10'