b'[ TAKEAWAYSJan. 30 - DallasAre You Tired of Being Tired?MS FatigueAnnette Okai, M.D., took the stage in Dallas to talk about an array ofsymptoms that can cause, and stem from, fatigue. Her full presentationcan be found on the MS Focus YouTube channel.youtube.com/multiplesclerosisfoundationFor people who have gait problems, their walking mechanics are o.They move less efficiently and that takes more energy, which leads to fatigue. If this is thecase, you need to learn how to walk again in physical therapy.Feb. 11 - Gainesville, Fla.The Benets of Dancefor MS Wellness Representatives from the University of Floridas Centerfor Arts in Medicine gave a presentation on how dancecan help improve your mind and body before gettingattendees moving with some dance moves of their own.Dancing provides many benets to someone with multiple sclerosis, whether youre standingor sitting. It allows you to enjoy good music, stay active, and enjoy the company of others.Feb. 14 - Jacksonville, Fla.Healthy and Up-to-Date Strategiesfor the Management of MSDr. Adam Chaifetz hosted our first quarterlyevent in the Jacksonville area, where multiplespeakers presented on several topics ranging frombladder issues to vitamin D. Dr. Ruchira Singh, aurogynecologist, spoke about managing bladdersymptoms.Certain types of drinks can provoke bladderspasms. For example, coee, tea, sodas, and otherbeverages with caeine worsen symptoms. Articialsweeteners, fruit juices, and alcohol can also botheryour bladder."43 msfocusmagazine.org'