b"because of deconditioning or damage to the nerves that control those muscles. In MS, the mostcommon cause of respiratory problems is loss of muscle strength and endurance. Weaknesscan occur in the muscles of the chest and abdomen that are involved in breathing, similarly tohow you may experience muscle weakness in your hands, arms or legs. Respiratory problemscan also interfere with communication, such as not having the endurance necessary for speechand voice production. Be sure to consult with your doctor if you are experiencing dicultybreathing.Questions?Call Marissa at 917-400-6254, email at MBarreraSLP@gmail.com or visit www.nyneuroslp.comWhat do you want your doctor to knowabout your MS? Manoj Joseph: I would be very appreciative of the time and interest shown for my care. The feeling Iget from my doctor is a big part of my MS treatment. I need to feel better about my treatment to makeit work for me. So, I would just say thanks to my doctor.Carrie Hersel: I know more about MS than you think I know. Mollie Buckholtz: It hurts and Im ghting hard and Id like you to recognize it and validate that as youprescribe further treatments.Melanie Ballet: To all healthcare workers: listen to your patients. Its their bodies that they live with daily.They have a lot of insight into their medical conditions.Sonya Kennedy: To stop and listen. Not all symptoms are visible and exactly the same for everyone.Giving a pill isnt always the answer.Nancy Stephens-Casta: The pain I have is terrible. Please listen and dont blow it o.Charlotte Ferebee Robinson: Being newly diagnosed, my doctors want me to tell them what is MS andwhat's not, but my question to my neuro is can you please consult with my primary care doctor toestablish a true baseline, so we will all know if it's an exacerbation, a flare, or something totallyunrelated? Prime example is I've been asthmatic for more than 20 years and have developedcostochondritis, which feels like the MS hug; so, I'm confused about which condition to treat! Kevin Foster: That even with having MS, Im still the same person I was before the diagnosis.Melinda McCartney: That it just means Im Mighty Strong!Mary AdraDna: As hard as you try, you dont get it!13 msfocusmagazine.org"