b'Medicine & ResearchCCoommpprreehheennssiivveeCCaarreeiinnMMSS::TThheeBBrriiddggeettooWWeellllnneessssBy June HalperAs a person with MS, you know that multiple sclerosis aects all areas of life, and requiresconstant adjustments to retain maximal and safe functioning. You may experience symptomsthat limit your physical abilities, with implications for your work life, home environment,relationships, and physical and psychological well-being. Often, you may feel your quality oflife and hope for the future are aected; each small change is magnied many times in itseect on quality of life and overall outcome. Because the effects of MS on your life are so wide-ranging, the best approach to MStreatment is a patient-centered approach that addresses all areas of the disease simultaneously.This requires a team of MS experts, with dierent areas of focus all working together with youand your family on a long-term basis. In response to this need, we have seen the rise ofcomprehensive care centers for MS.In an MS center, a multidisciplinary approach oers a broad base of support to you (the patient),your family, and to the team itself. This model, in addition to providing medical managementof the disease, has proven to be eective in enhancing long-term outcomes.An overview of the highly eective approach to MS treatment that is setting the standard for worldwide care.msfocusmagazine.org 14'