b'MS Focus ActivitiesHe explained how participants could ex their MS muscle by incorporating music into theirdaily lives. Dr. Graciani explained that music therapy is helpful in managing depression and other MSsymptoms. Attendees were given instruments such as tambourines, maracas, and triangles toplay while Dr. Graciani played his saxophone. The whole room felt like it was an orchestra,according to MS Focus associate director of homecare, Sherrol Patterson. It felt like being ata concert. People were cheering and dancing. Sherrol said attendees left smiling and oneperson told her it was exactly what she needed. TeleconferencesOur 2019 National MS Education and Awareness Month teleconference series had it all!There were moving personal stories of advocacy and empowerment, such as formercongressman Tony Coelhos account of what led him to draft the Americans with DisabilitiesAct, or Ann Pietrangelos story of what she learned in battling both MS and cancer. There waspractical advice for becoming and being an effective advocate, such as Hollie Schmidtsguidance on participating in research, Sara van Geertruydens thorough summary of theadvocacy issues facing the MS community, and Bhupendra Khatris techniques for takingcharge of your healthcare. And as always, there was great information on managing your MS,delivered in easily understood terms by Drs. Williams, Karpatkin, and Boster. Find these greatteleconferences on-demand at msfocusradio.org today! MS Made Simple How to Become Mitzi Joi Williams, M.D. an MS Advocate Assistant Professor ofSara van Geertruyden, Medicine at MorehouseExecutive DirectorSchool of Medicine Partnership to Improve Patient Careand Flex Your MS Muscle to the HonorableRemain Mobile Tony Coelho, Chairman Herb Karpatkin, PT,Partnership to Improve DSc, NCS, MSCSPatient CareAssociate Professor, Hunter CollegeMS Research: Why You Living with MS:Should ParticipateFive Steps TowardHollie Schmidt, M.S. EmpowermentAccelerated Cure Project Ann PietrangeloAuthor andMS Advocatemsfocusmagazine.org 24'