b'Read. Watch. Listen.MS Made Simpleby Mitzi Joi Williams, M.D.Dr. Mitzi Joi Williams is a neurologist with the heart ofa teacher. Her new book MS Made Simple begins with her askingthe same question she asks all her new patients, What is MS? Thebooks conversational tone and short sentences make it a quick andeasy read. Not only does it guide the reader in understanding howMS is diagnosed and treated, but it also takes it a step further bycovering misconceptions. Dr. Williams addresses how some peopledont know African Americans can develop MS and why there is solittle diversity in research. She reminds the reader that there is nota one-size-ts-all treatment paradigm and encourages everyone toadvocate for themselves.67 pp. $20.96msfocus.us/SpringRead19 A Conversation about MS MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation,presents:(Monkey Snot)by Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence The MS Focus childrens book is available in a read-alo ng versonon our YouTube channel. The book is read by Dr. Haynes-Lawrenceand her daughter Sami, and tells the story of a child learning howto understand her mothers MS.msfocus.us/SpringWatch19 Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence, Ph.D. & Niah SoultJason DaSilvaMS Focus radio interviews Emmy award-winninglmmaker Jason DaSilva. We talk about his new lmWhen We Walk, as well as his website AXSmap.com.AXSmap helps people with MS rate and navigate city streets,restaurants and local establishments for accessibility.Airing on www.msfocusradio.org every Tuesday in May at 12,3, and 8 p.m. Eastern time.9 msfocusmagazine.org'