b'FDA Claries MS Drug UsesWith the recent approvals of Mayzent and of MS were to include clinically isolatedMavenclad, the FDA claried the uses of all MS syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, anddrugs. Prior to these approvals, medications active secondary progressive disease. had received approval either for relapsing In response to a question from MS Focus,forms of MS or primary progressive MS. the FDA explained that they had alwaysThis led to confusion regarding the treatment intended for SPMS with active relapses to beof secondary progressive MS. Although some included in relapsing forms of MS. They saidpeople with SPMS have relapses, others do Active SPMS is one of the relapsing forms ofnot.Many people believed that medications MS, and all drugs approved for the treatmentapproved for relapsing MS were not approved of relapsing forms of MS can be used to treatfor SPMS.active SPMS. This does not represent a shiftHowever, with the approval of Mayzent, the inpolicy.ThisclaricationincreasestheFDA added a clarication that relapsing forms available options for people with SPMS.61 msfocusmagazine.org'