b"Dear MS Focus, coee. I am not against technology, far fromIn the Winter 2019 issue (Vol. 21, Issue 1) it, and I am astounded by the state of medicalthere was a reference to a new app available science we are privileged to enjoy. for the MS community. At rst, I was interested But in the long run, I just can't see theto read about this new product/project. The need for another screen-time journey whichauthor, Dr. Darin Okuda, lists impeccable willkeepmeevenmoredependentuponcredentials,aswellasanavidinterestin and habituated towards the vagaries of a cellmaking life with MS much easier for people phone app demanding more of my time, mywith MS. But one particular point stressed the attention, and my privacy. importance of being able to manage stress- I think anything that connects us to helpfulrelated events, which may sometimes lead to information is good, but I think we, asactualorpseudo-exacerbationconditions. healthcare providers, should lend a little morePeople do need to learn what stress-variants support to developing and nurturing one-on-may aggravate existing issues, but I wonder if one interactions. I would rather put the phonewe need an app in order to do so?down and return to real life to provideI have been following an interesting new connection with others. Moderation in allproblem linking stress-aggravated-events with things. Another app just helps to keep usdependence, even addiction to social media, isolated and unwilling to reach outside thewhere people are nding they are unable to frenzy of cell-phone stress. put their phones down, to walk away, to Sincerely, disconnect from the continual bombardment Kathleen Regan, Folsom, CA.of instant notications, text messaging crises,and unnecessary demands for attention which Dear Kathleen,comes into seemingly every aspect of our lives. Thank you for a thought-provoking letter.What benefit is gained from even further Wed like to rst address the subject of Dr.intrusion or demand for us to enter more Okudas app, and then discuss the issues youpersonal data, register yet another password, raise more generally. or push more buttons? Aren't we supposed tobe trying to manage our lives in ways which In reference to Dr. Okudas app, it is importantdo not depend on ubiquitous devices claiming to distinguish between a health managementstill more of our everyday lives?app and a social media app. The science onI'm a retired nurse, diagnosed with social media use in healthcare is still polarizedsecondary progressive MS since 2000. I'vesome studies show signicant benets andalways been interested in learning more about others signicant dangers. On the other hand,the innovations modern medicine can bring thescienceonhealthmanagementapps,to people, all the ways in which we humans can while in its infancy, is largely positive. Severaldevelop strong and eective coping techniques. studies have found that apps of this kindBut if I am deeply immersed in screen time, increase a persons ability to successfullythen I am missing out on the natural and manage their health condition.healing wonders of nature, or the rapture of Dr. Okudas MS Relapse Tool is a healthmusic, perhaps even dismissing the chance management app; there is no social mediato chat with a neighbor or meet a friend for aspect to it. Your information is not shared,7 msfocusmagazine.org"