b'MS Focus ActivitiesKirkland, Wash.presented by Dr. Theodore Brown, Director of Neurorehabilitationat the Evergreen MS CenterDr. Brown emphasized the importance of exercise foreveryoneno matter what a persons physical limitationsmay be. Exercise is not only good for the body, it is good forthe mind.After his presentation, Dr. Brown opened the oor toanyone who had information or stories they would like toshare. One man stood up and told us how yoga had beenhis life-saver. He had never considered trying somethinglike that, but once he started, he couldnt believe theimprovements he experienced. He is no longer in awheelchair, and said that he is no longer using a walker. He couldnt say enough about thebenets he received from practicing yoga.Phoenix, Ariz. - presented by Matt Cavallo, MPH, Author, Speaker, Podcaster and MSerDiagnosed with MS at the age of 28,author Matt Cavallo has dedicated his lifeto improving the patient experience. He isthe founder and empathy ocer of thePatient Activation Network. While makingpart of his presentation humorous withstories about his dog, he touched the heartsof those in attendance with his sincerity, and his desire to be a good dad and husband. He candidlyshared stories about being unable to eat without dropping food or spilling his drink, dealingwith cognitive issues, depression, and more. Matt related with the people in attendance in a waythat a member of our sta told us she has never seen before.Sacramento, Calif.presented by Brian Hutchinson, PT, MSCS, Director, Multiple SclerosisAchievement CenterBrian Hutchinson is no stranger to the MS community. He overseesthe wellness programs at the Multiple Sclerosis Achievement Center.Brian and his team design programs to address the physical, cognitive,and emotional wellness of those with MS. His presentation at MS Focusprogram was well-received. He provided suggestions on how to exercisewith MS at any ability. He also encouraged attendees to Flex their MSMuscle by asking for referrals for physical therapy. One point he made was that you should leave your physical therapyappointment feeling better and more energized then when you walkedin, and if you do not, then the workout is not right for you. He added, Besure to share your thoughts with your physical therapist so they can createthe best plan for you.msfocusmagazine.org 22'