b'To qualify for the program, a person must have a documented diagnosis of MS, must beable to enter the vehicle independently or with the help of a caregiver who will accompanythem, and any mobility aids they require must t in a standard vehicle trunk. They must alsohave a cellular device capable of receiving and sending text messages.Individuals with MS can apply for this program online at msfocus.org; or request anapplication by emailing transportation@msfocus.org, or calling 888-673-6287.BRIGHTER TOMORROW GRANT Brighter Tomorrow Grant accepting applications June 1Making Dreams Come TrueEach year, the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation makes dreams MS Focus will be accepting applications for the Brighter Tomorrowcome true for individuals with MS through the Brighter TomorrowGrant.The goal of this national program is to provide goods orservices to improve quality of life for those living with MS byenhancing safety, self-sufficiency, comfort, or well-being. In the Grant program June 1 through Sept 1. Each year, MS Focus makespast, recipients of the Brighter Tomorrow Granthave receivedadaptive sports equipment, appliances, televisions, furniture,tires, hobby supplies, musical instruments, partial scholarshipsfor the MS Focus at Sea, and more. and were not grant recipients are dreams come true for people with MS through this program byThose who applied in the past encouraged to reapply. Previous recipients of the Brighter TomorrowGrant are ineligible. Applications are confidential and will be reviewed by providing goods or servicesvalued at up to $1,000 per recipientthe grant committee. Recipients will be notified in December.OFFICIAL GUIDELINES TO APPLYApplicants are asked to provide basic personal and financial information, along with ato people with MS nationwide. The goal is to improve the qualitybrief essay of one page or less to describe their wish and how the grant might help them tohave A Brighter Tomorrow. Grant applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:of life for people with MS by enhancing their safety, self-suciency, Applicant must be diagnosed with MS, or be the parent of a minor child with MS.Applicant must be over the age of 18. Applicant must have no existing financial net (such as Medicaid or private insurance) to comfort, or well-being.cover the request. Applicant grants the Foundation the right to use their name and photograph forpromotional purposes associated with this grant. Applicant must agree to sign a waiver of liability. Applicant must be a legal resident of the United States. Application must be postmarked/time-stamped on or before September 1st. To qualify, a recipient must be 18 years of age or older and Request must be forspecific goods or services. If the cost of the request exceeds$1,000 dollars, the application will automatically bedisqualified. diagnosed with MS, or be the parent of a minor child diagnosedRequests for cash, medications, or items currently available through the Foundations AssistiveTechnology, Cooling, Computer, or Health and Wellness programs will not be considered.Send your completed application to: with MS. They must be a legal U.S. resident and must not have anyMultiple Sclerosis Foundation, BTG Committee, 6520 North Andrews Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309Applications can also be submitted online at:www.msfocus.org.other means of fullling their wish. Applicants are asked to providebasic personal and financial information, and to write a brief essay of 100 words or less todescribe how the grant would help them.Requests made to the BTG Program must be for specic goods or services. Applicationsasking for cash and medications are not considered. Requests for items covered through otherMS Focus grantssuch as assistive devices and computerswill be referred to thoseprograms.Applications will be made available on our website, msfocus.org or by calling 888-673-6287.Previous recipients of this grant are ineligible, but are welcome to apply for services throughother MS Focus programs.Keeping your coolOverheating may intensify MS symptoms, but cooling canoer signicant relief. The MS Focus Cooling Program is nowopen and taking applications through June 1. Applications canbe submitted online, by fax, or through the mail. All applicationsare condential and will be reviewed by the grant committee.For more information on the MS Focus Cooling Program, or toaccess these services, call 888-MSFOCUS (673-6287) or visitmsfocus.org/Get Help.45 msfocusmagazine.org'