b'TThheeSSttrruugggglleeiissRReeaallBy Kathryn BradburyI know I have talked about this before, but help and have a positive end result. Let theI think its worth repeating. People living with sharingbeyourburdenrelease.InotherMS face a lot of struggles while managing words,whenyoudecidetosharewhatistheir disease, but how you look at and handle going on in your life, do so with the intentionthose struggles makes all the dierence.of expressing how you are feeling and thenWeve all heard how misery loves company. being able to move forward. Hopefully, youIve seen it and experienced it myself. Im not willndyourshouldersareliftedalittleinnocent in this process either. I am, typically, higher and the weight is removed from youra positive person, but when my mind mind. If you are sharing your burden and notwanders and I nd myself loving company, experiencing these things, then perhaps youor talking with a negative mindset, I try to are sharing it with the wrong person and theyquickly remind myself that I am not helping too are loving the company (i.e. your misery)either of us. instead of helping you.When facing daily struggles and challenges, Our minds are very powerful instrumentsits helpful to share what youre going through in our well-being. What we think about, wewithsomeone.Thisprocesscanbevery bringabout.Findinghopeandpositivity,beneficial,especiallyiftheyhavegone laughing, smiling at others, and helping inthrough something similar and can help our communities are all things that can helpguide you through those struggles.us endure our own struggles. I say this havingBut its important after you talk through experienced it for myself and I encouragewhats wrong to then come up with a way to you to search out these things in your lives.Please welcome these newly aliated groups:17 and Under MS Support GroupDowney, Calif.Forest Lake MS Social GroupForest Lake, Minn.Mindfulness & Well-Being with MS Support GroupVenice, Calif.Mostly Sunny MS Support GroupMilwaukee, Wis.MS Self Help Group of CamarilloCamarillo, Calif.Set Your Sights Support GroupForest Hills, N.Y.Young Professionals MS Support GroupDowney, Calif.Please visit our website at www.msfocus.org for the meeting dates,times, and locations or to nd the support group nearest you.53 msfocusmagazine.org'