b"Symptom ManaDementFFiivveeSSuurrpprriissiinnggSSyymmppttoommssAAssssoocciiaatteeddwwiitthhMMSSBy Marissa A. Barrera, PhD, MSCS, CCC-SLPPersons with MS are accustomed to experiencing fatigue, diculty with mobility, andnumbness, but there are many other symptoms that are less commonly discussed yet equallyimportant. Because MS symptoms are variable and highly unpredictable, each individualssymptoms can change or vary over time. Here are some important, but less obvious signs andsymptoms of MS. 1. Speech DisordersSpeech problems, such as dysarthria (the slurring of words) and dysphonia (loss of vocalvolume) occur in approximately 40 to 60 percent of people with MS. Changes to speech andvoice can occur at any point during the disease course, but are most often observed duringperiods of extreme fatigue. Consider consulting a speech-language pathologist who can giveyou useful exercises to improve your communication skills.2. VertigoEver feel faint, o balance, or lightheaded? A less common MS symptom is vertigo, whichis the feeling as if the room is spinning around you. Vertigo can often be successfully treatedby an audiologist or with motion sickness or antinausea drugs. 3. Diculty SwallowingDysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is observed in 30 percent of the MS population,especially if there are brainstem plaques. The sensation of saliva, uid, or food going down thewrong pipe is an overt sign of swallowing dysfunction. Other symptoms of dysphagia includediculty chewing, choking during mealtime, or having residual food in your mouth afterswallowing. Swallowing problems may occur when you're first diagnosed with MS or as itprogresses. A speech-language pathologist can help. They are trained to evaluate and showyou alternative ways to eat safely. 4. Hearing ProblemsWhat was that? Can you repeat that please? Difficulty hearing is a surprising anduncommon symptom of MS. Symptoms can range from ringing in the ears to a sudden lossof hearing. For some individuals, hearing loss can be one of the rst signs of MS. Given that thisMS symptom is rare, if you experience diculty hearing talk to your doctor or an audiologist. 5. Breathing DicultiesRespiration problems often occur in individuals whose chest muscles have weakenedmsfocusmagazine.org 12"